Monday, August 18, 2014

What if?

Good Morning! What if we woke up today with only what we were grateful for yesterday?

Praise the Lord my life would still be FULL to the OVERFLOW with all I ever need and more! Because in all honesty I can say that my heart is grateful for everything in my life. Beginning with the people God has placed in my life. My husband and children and extended family and so many wonderful friends! From the ever so simple living where I live, to the comforts of living when and where I do, to my friends and family who bless my life so very much, to the amazing sunrises and sunsets that God paints for me everyday.

My computer and books and my camera and OH SO MUCH MORE!

God blessed me with curly hair and brown eyes that can see and 2 ears that can hear. I can speak and breath with ease. I have arms that are perfect for hugging those that love me and who I love with hands attached to do things like type and write! I have two legs that can carry me anywhere and feet that have shoes on (ok maybe not yet at 5am but I have shoes to put on them!). I have a stretch marked belly where once 7 amazing little lives started. I have all I could need in this body of mine and I grateful.

I am grateful to wake up with my husband and pour a cup of coffee and chat with him before he heads to work. To take that coffee and sit on my front porch and have a wonderful conversation with God as the sun rises before me. I am grateful that as I drink my coffee and my little ones wake up I am able to hear their pitter patter on the stairs coming to join me every morning.

I am grateful that God grants me all of this and so much more!

For my cell phone and skype that let me keep in touch with loved ones far from me. For paper and pen and the US Mail that let me write to  those who bring my heart joy!  For love ever lasting from those I adore!

Have I mentioned how grateful I am for dirty dishes in the sink? How blessed am I to have running water that comes out hot or cold with the turn of a handle? That we have plenty of food, even to the point where a bit of waste of it seems to be no big deal (but it is a big deal to waste it, it really is!). To be able to reach into a refrigerator and grab COLD milk, how blessed am I!

A funny little gratitude, my son the other day reminded me of- He was quite disturbed when I wiped his nose with toilet paper. Toilet paper is for butts not noses he tells me.  Here in the US we expect one type of paper to wipe our butts and another to wipe our noses. Really how grateful we should all be for that! LUXURY living!

For all of this and more - I live in constant gratitude and I hope I never take any of it for granted! It is with a grateful heart that i enjoy all of it!