Friday, August 22, 2014


Have you ever found yourself wishing away time? On my Facebook news feed this morning I was met with "Finally Friday" and "I live for the weekend". In other posts recently I have watched as people wished for a day in the future to be here right now.

As I read different posts that wished away time, I realized how much we can miss in the here and now when we are wishing away the time we have right now.

Today I am grateful for God showing me how important it is to live right now for this moment. Not that making plans is a bad thing. In fact we need to be attentive to plans for the future, Yet, there is a balance that has to be found. Where we enjoy RIGHT NOW where we are and at the same time adjust what we are doing to what the future is going to bring.

It is a blessing from God, this very moment in time. A "PRESENT" to be unwrapped and enjoyed! As I sat thinking on this matter, I was able to see in my own life where I have been guilty of losing precious opportunities for breathtaking moments because I was so intent on what was coming next I forgot to enjoy what was right now.

As many of my readers know, our family is working towards being home owners. Each day I spend a little time working towards this goal. Looking at geographical locations that we as a family will enjoy, looking at housing costs in those areas, looking at work possibilities for my husband in the areas we are contemplating. I also look at homes all over the world that catch my fancy. Knowing that if I am CLEAR in what I and my family want we will be more likely to achieve it. I also look at our budget fairly regularly, since we need to save if we are going to buy. So much involved in working towards being a home owner.

Even in the midst of planning and dreaming, I have to STOP when one of my little ones needs a hug, listen when one of them is excited about something they have discovered, when my husband wants to share something he is thinking. Because while the future is out there somewhere, these guys are right here right now and I don't want to miss a single moment of it!