Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Good Morning!

This morning the Lord blessed me beyond what I could ever have deserved if blessings were based solely on what we have done in life. I sat on my front porch, coffee in hand and as I looked across the emerald green grass that sparkled with the diamonds of morning dew as the Lord sent His light from a sapphire blue sky I was caught in a moment of gratitude for all the people God has sent to my life. From the moment of my birth, the Lord has strategically placed people who have helped me, encouraged me, changed me to become the woman I am today. Some were there for a short season, just a moment of time. There are those who have been there since my life began. Still others who flow in and out as God has lead them. As God showed me the people who have brought me to where I am today I felt an overwhelming gratitude for each of them that I cannot begin to express in words. I had thought of listing them each and every one and realized it would take me a lifetime starting right now to go back over the last almost 47 years to not leave out a single moment or person and what they have done for me. So with that- I am not going to list them but just be grateful for each and every life that has touched mine.... God has indeed been GOOD to ME!