Friday, August 1, 2014


GOOD MORNING Dear Readers! What a wonderful day to be alive! This morning as my boys and I ate fresh strawberries, they had a glass of milk I had a cup of coffee and WOW! How grateful I am that we get fresh fruit to eat- many places in the world they have nothing to eat. I am BLESSED to live in a place and time where there is such an abundance of healthy food choices (ok and not so healthy choices too that taste yummy)

I am grateful for my morning coffee. It is one of those things I really enjoy. Could I leave it and never have another cup? I am sure but I am ever so grateful that I don't have to. That I get to sit on my front porch, watch the sunrise and drink my coffee!
 You know, as I think about all that I have in this life and all that I am able to do my heart soars with gratitude! Life isn't perfect, there are things I would like to change, but PRAISE GOD for all I do have and all I get to do and the amazing people in my life! It is GOOD! 

May the Lord bless each of you who reads this with people who love you enjoying fresh strawberries (or favorite fruit) for breakfast over a cup of coffee (or tea) or a peanut butter jelly sandwich on a blanket in the yard or a bucket of chicken on the tailgate of the truck while you watch the sunset!