Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Tuesday Gratitude

Love and Blessings dear readers! I have a little quote up above my coffee pot that says "I can do all things through Prayer and Coffee" and this morning I am especially grateful for coffee.

I realized a while back that although I like the caffeine and might even have a bit of an addition to it, the thing that I like MOST about coffee is that each and every morning I am reminded to pray because of my coffee.

Most mornings I take my coffee to the front porch and sit with God, talking about the day and the things on my mind. It is a wonderful quiet time with God that I really enjoy having. I also am able to sit and have a cup of coffee with a friend at a local coffee shop and sit at the table with my husband. Coffee is amazing in how it provides an opportunity to connect with others.

And so it is for these reasons that I am grateful for coffee!