Monday, January 17, 2011

January 17, 2011

As many know, Winter or more precisley, SNOW, is my favorite weather. I love it. I have fun in it! It is something that makes my heart sing. At the same time, I really enjoy sunshine, FLOWERS anytime of year, rain summer afternoons, rainbow filled spring mornings, dew on the grass that burns off with sunrise... really I do not think Ihave met a weather I do not like other than HOT. (I do not "do" hot~ once it hits the 90℉ I am headed for the nearest airconditioned room~ don't even like water play much once it gets hot although will go there if I can't get to airconditioning)

Yesterday was an amazing day! Right smack dab in the middle of winter, patches of snow still in shadey places, and we get a 55℉ day! Now I wouldn't want this all winter (remember I ♥ SNOW!) but what an amazing day to have right in the middle of the long winter days.

We took advantage of it to the fullest! Off to the park we went where my babies played hard and had fun! Swinging, climbing, running, sliding... a nice change to the having to play indoors because it has been to wet to play outdoors...

So today~ my gratitude list is all about weather... that weather some consider good and weather some consider bad (yes even the HOT stuff that I do not like) although I do not like HOT I know it has a place and for other people HOT is the perfect weather, so I will be grateful for it too.

Gratitude List January 17, 2011
  1. Spring
  2. Summer
  3. Autumn
  4. Winter
  5. Snow
  6. Rain
  7. Sunshine
  8. Wind
  9. Clouds
  10. Blue Skies