Sunday, January 16, 2011

January 15, 2011

Today I want to share a story with you...

Last night my family and I went to the local mission to be part of the Saturday Night Worship and Dinner. It is a time where local churches bring food for the body and soul to folks who utilize the resources Crossroads provides. Really a great experience.

So we are there, our "home" church being the presenters this evening....

My 8 year old daughter was on the couch with paper and pen. Keeping herself occupied while the adults did the stuff needed to get ready. Our Worship team leader was nearby and had some conversation with my daughter during this time. I watched as she handed him a piece of paper with writing and pictures on it, not seeing what exactly was on it.

As we all gatehred together for worship time, our worship leader shared what she had given him. She had written across the top was To and From and then there were several pictures. The first was Jesus (as a stick figure) hanging on the cross. Then a book that proclaimed itself to be the Holy Bible. Below that was another figure. A person, hands raised high in the air, with a speach buble saying "Dear God, I Love You. Amen"

Today I want to say that I am grateful that I turned my life over to The Father in time that I am an influences to  these awesome kids and they have a LOVE for the Lord that is true and heartfelt!