Monday, January 31, 2011

Oh My!

Oh My! I saw that I hadn't posted in 10 days and was shocked! I assure you dear reader that the lack of posting was NOT because of not having a grateful heart! First I had been sick with a old fashion cold and then just busy catching up with life after being off for the week I was sick.

Today I am keeping it short but I do have a gratitude list~ so here it goes:

  1. The amazing Sunrises that God blesses us all with
  2. The spring like weather we got to experience the last couple of weeks
  3. The return of snow yesterday (hopefully we get a few more inches before winter is done and our flowers bloom)
  4. My family~ they are so special to me
  5. My relationship with the Lord! Without it, I would be lost...

Friday, January 21, 2011

January 21, 2011

This whole week I have been battling with a good old fashion common cold. It has been a losing battle. I have been stuffy and achy and tired... I am so over being sick but still I have all the symptoms. Now this sounds like the start of a whining list, not a gratitude list... really there is a purpose to telling you a little background.

Because I am pregnant, there isn't much I can take to relieve symptoms. A little tylenol is really about it. Suffering through this brought to mind just how grateful I am to live in this time. A time where we have medicines to relieve symptoms. Imagine a hundren/hundred fifty years ago when there was nothing to help with the common cold. All the aches, pains, sneezing... just had to be dealt with.

Todays Gratitude List
  1. Living in a place and time where medical advances are such that we have solutions to many common ailments
  2. Having medications (natural and herbal) available to cure or relieve symptoms of illness
  3. Having an amazing husband who has allowed me to do nothing but be sick for the last few days
  4. Being able to sleep during this sickness
  5. Having foods available that help feel better
  6. Having food available that actually can help prevent things like the common cold
  7. Knowing there are things I can do to help not keep this ick going in my community....... the medical advances, advances in media that have taught us all how to limit the exposure of others to things like the common cold

Thursday, January 20, 2011

January 20,2011

James 5:13
Is any one of you in trouble?
He should pray.
Is anyone happy?
Let him sing songs of praise.

I was asked an interesting question yesterday~ Who is this God you praise and worship?

It is like asking who you are.
Lots of words for what you do little of WHO you are.
In trying to tell someone who I am I might say
"Mother, Sister, Daughter, Wife, Friend, Employee, Volunteer"
but those things do not actually define WHO I am, they are just things I do while being me.
Bottom line
I am a Physical Being
with a bunch of things that describe me being a physical being

God is a Spiritual Being
with a bunch of things that describe Him being a spiritual being

Today's Gratitude List
is about those things that describe
 God being God

  1. God the Creator~ beside the obvious of He created me just look around at the magnificent world we live in and all that He has created. How can we not praise our Creator?
  2. God the Righteous and Holy One~ God has set the standard for us
  3. God the Forgiving One~ He sent Christ as the atonement to set before us the choice to have or not have a relationship with Him through the Blood of Christ making us clean and holy to stand before the Lord
  4. God the Provider~ God provides for our every need. Everything we need in this life as a human being has been provided for us by God
  5. God the Companion
  6. God the Healer~ God has made healing available to each of us
  7. God is Faithful~ if God said it, God will do it. He is not a man who will lie.
  8. God is Love~ really that there is where it is... bottom line... God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that who so ever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. All the other things God does, He does from the LOVE He feels for us, His creation.
So today~ Father in Heaven, I praise You for all that You do in my life and the lives of those around me. I praise You Lord for never leaving or forsaking me. That I know beyond a shadow of a doubt God, that You are with me. Father, I praise you for never putting me in a situation without having a way out of it that will GLORIFY and bring You praise. Without You my God, I would be just a body, spiritually dead, without a hope for my future. In You God, I have the promise of a future!

Monday, January 17, 2011

January 17, 2011

As many know, Winter or more precisley, SNOW, is my favorite weather. I love it. I have fun in it! It is something that makes my heart sing. At the same time, I really enjoy sunshine, FLOWERS anytime of year, rain summer afternoons, rainbow filled spring mornings, dew on the grass that burns off with sunrise... really I do not think Ihave met a weather I do not like other than HOT. (I do not "do" hot~ once it hits the 90℉ I am headed for the nearest airconditioned room~ don't even like water play much once it gets hot although will go there if I can't get to airconditioning)

Yesterday was an amazing day! Right smack dab in the middle of winter, patches of snow still in shadey places, and we get a 55℉ day! Now I wouldn't want this all winter (remember I ♥ SNOW!) but what an amazing day to have right in the middle of the long winter days.

We took advantage of it to the fullest! Off to the park we went where my babies played hard and had fun! Swinging, climbing, running, sliding... a nice change to the having to play indoors because it has been to wet to play outdoors...

So today~ my gratitude list is all about weather... that weather some consider good and weather some consider bad (yes even the HOT stuff that I do not like) although I do not like HOT I know it has a place and for other people HOT is the perfect weather, so I will be grateful for it too.

Gratitude List January 17, 2011
  1. Spring
  2. Summer
  3. Autumn
  4. Winter
  5. Snow
  6. Rain
  7. Sunshine
  8. Wind
  9. Clouds
  10. Blue Skies

Sunday, January 16, 2011

January 15, 2011

Today I want to share a story with you...

Last night my family and I went to the local mission to be part of the Saturday Night Worship and Dinner. It is a time where local churches bring food for the body and soul to folks who utilize the resources Crossroads provides. Really a great experience.

So we are there, our "home" church being the presenters this evening....

My 8 year old daughter was on the couch with paper and pen. Keeping herself occupied while the adults did the stuff needed to get ready. Our Worship team leader was nearby and had some conversation with my daughter during this time. I watched as she handed him a piece of paper with writing and pictures on it, not seeing what exactly was on it.

As we all gatehred together for worship time, our worship leader shared what she had given him. She had written across the top was To and From and then there were several pictures. The first was Jesus (as a stick figure) hanging on the cross. Then a book that proclaimed itself to be the Holy Bible. Below that was another figure. A person, hands raised high in the air, with a speach buble saying "Dear God, I Love You. Amen"

Today I want to say that I am grateful that I turned my life over to The Father in time that I am an influences to  these awesome kids and they have a LOVE for the Lord that is true and heartfelt!

Friday, January 14, 2011

January 14, 2011

Today's Gratitude List

  1. Sunrises! This morning the sunrise was amazing with all the colors in the sky!
  2. Groceries~ it is amazing that my family has all it needs to eat for nutrition and to fill the tummy up
  3. My husband~ I say it often but indeed one of the things in my life I am most grateful for is my husband.
  4. This new little life growing inside me~ Babies are so awesome and I am so grateful to get to be a mother one more time
  5. MUSIC! This morning in the shower, I had K-Love playing. How awesome is it that we live in a time and world where Christian music can be heard almost EVERYWHERE
  6. Medical Care~ this morning as I prepare to go to the doctor I realized how blessed I am to live here and now where the medical care we have is so extraordinary
  7. Vacuum cleaners~ silly as it might be, I am grateful to have a vacuum cleaner to help clean up after my family
  8. My family not going without any needs
  9. Being able to be of service to others
  10. The Holy Spirit moving in me

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 11, 2011

What is it that I have to be Thankfull for Today?

So last night we were getting ready for bed and my 2 year old, who is weaning from breastfeeding, was adamant he did not want to give up the truck he was playing with. It was grasped in his little hands and he wanted to hold on to it.

I gave him a choice, he could nurse if he gave me his truck or he could hold his truck and no nursing...

He chose his truck :)

So why is that on my gratitude list? Because although I have been frequently accused of "babying" my little guy, keeping him a baby... but this showed me that I am allowing my little guy to seperate from me in a way that is comforting to him and not traumatic. So today I am grateful that I have had patience to allow my son to grow and become independent in a way that worked for him.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

January 9, 2011

NEVER AGAIN will I confess or focus on defeat,
because the Word says:
"God always causes me to triumph in Jesus Christ."
2 Corinthians 2:14

Today's Gratitude List

God's Word and Promises!
First God has given us His Word
In the Bible is everything we need to live this life and be who God has called us to be
All the instructions are there... The Ten commandments, The commandments Jesus gave us
(Matthew 22:37 Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' & Matthew 22:39 And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.')
Some basic instructions like
Mark 11:25
And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone,
forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.
There are the prayers prayed in the Bible
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

Romans 15:13
And so very much more!

All of this, a blessing from God!
Praise and Gratitude to God for giving us His Word and all that it contains!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

January 8, 2010

MUSIC!!!! Today my heart is singing Praise to My God!!!! I am so grateful for technology giving us MUSIC! Music that gets us moving in Praise to Our Lord who has given us everything!

Hillsong Kids - Every Move I Make (CHILDREN LOVE THIS VIDEO)

Friday, January 7, 2011

January 7, 2010

Todays Gratitude List

  1. The comfort God has given me in His Word~ promises that the pain and heartache here today will be gone someday and replaced with joy.
  2. For a heart that is soft and compassionate. I am grateful my heart is not hardened and unable to see that there is good in our world today, even in trials and tribulations.
  3. A husband, who although may have another opinion on something, is always loving and supportive of me
  4. That God has brought into my life people who are more mature in their walk with Him, to come along side me and help me become the person He desires me to be.
  5. That all my families NEEDS are met. We have shelter, we have most ammenities our society considers needed, we enough food... and God has even blessed us with some things wanted not needed.

Just a thought... as I was making my list today, I realized that seriously I cannot think of a single person, issue, place, or thing in my life that I cannot find gratitude for. Even for those things that are not "good" I find that I can still be grateful for them because they are like the refiners fire... burning away those things that are not of God. I am a little regretful that I am such a slow learner. Many lessons in life God has had to show me over and over and over again because I just didn't get it the first, second, or even third time. But it is with Gratitude that I say My God is patient and He was willing to wait on me to get it...

I am not where God wants me to be just yet. I still have molding and shaping ot happen. I know it without a doubt. But today, instead of that blob of clay on the potters wheel, I am starting to take shape, to begin to look like the vessle God wants me to be.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Gratitude 1-6-2011

Good Morning Dear Readers!
What a BEAUTIFUL day is ahead of us!
With all that is wrong in the world, it is easy to get caught up in what is wrong in life.
We forget all that is left that is good.

Aside from the obvious good in my life~
my husband, children, friends, and other family
Aside from the material things I am grateful for like
our home and car and ammenities of life

Today I am grateful for:
  1. The little birds who flutter outside my window even on the coldest days of winter
  2. The beauty of fresh fallen snow
  3. Waking up to all the dishes being clean :)
  4. Afternoon walks with my babies
  5. The feel of sunbeams on my skin on a crisp winter morning
  6. The smell of clothes fresh out of the dryer
  7. Hot Cocoa on a cold evening
  8. That first cup of morning coffee
  9. Memories~ how comforting they are once time has eased the pain
  10. My Bible~ for all the words of instruction, comfort, and encouragment!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year

Yeah yeah I know it is 5 days late~
I honestly do say my gratitude list of 10 things every single day.
Just sitting at the computer and writting it out...
I haven't been so good about that.

I am going to work on it this New Year~
Just because in my life I know
If I think it, say it, write it...
it sticks

Part of this daily gratitude list is to make it stick
so that during the hard times I can see just what I have in my life
to be grateful for.

So my first official list of 2011?

  1. Family~ all of them husband, kids, brother, cousins,
    friends that are more like family than some family
  2. Fresh Hot Coffee in the morning!
    I have cut down to just 2 or 3 cups a day...
    but I know to be grateful for it!
  3. Good Friends
  4. KLOVE radio station and
    other inspirational music I have available to me
  5. My Computer and Internet ~
    it connects me to many people
    I wouldn't be connected to without it ;
  6. LIFE!!!! 
  7. Health for sure
  8. Our Home
    (ok so I really want a new to me house but hey~ at least I have one)
  9. Our car~
    it becomes easy to become compacent about having a vehicle.
    But it is certainly one of those things to be grateful for!
  10. Love in my life~ from my husband, my children, the community I live in