Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thursday June 10, 2010

So today, first thing I have to do is tell my baby brother HAPPY BIRTHDAY~

41 years ago today my Mother gave birth to this trouble maker :) Boy am I ever glad she did! He has certainly been a blessing in my life!

Gratitude today is being offset with some frustration over things in which I have no control~ I am really working on creating an attitude change as I struggle with this. I feel really on edge and ready to just scream...

Why am I mentioning this on the gratitude list? Well because somedays, even with a grateful heart it is hard to keep yourself in that happy place. I am looking at this right now and wondering... is there anything in this place I am in right now to create a grateful heart?

Well certainly there is!

This feeling of frustration teaches me to appreciate the times of gratification
The tension I am feeling teaches me the importance of relaxing and slowing down

Today also on my gratitude list is sunbeams and rainbows and wind blowing through leaves and the sound of windchimes in a gentle afternoon breeze and the relaxing atmospher at the river on a summer evening and watching the birds flit from here to there being busy in their busy bird way and listing to them sing a bird tune...

The smell of steaks on the bbq, the taste of fresh watermelon, an ice cold glass of lemonaid on a hot summer day, picking blackberries off the brambles along the river, spending time outdoors in GOD's garden...