Saturday, June 19, 2010

Saturday June 19, 2010

Todays Gratitude List!
  1. My little duck alarm clock~ it is sweet to wake up to QUACK QUACK QUACK in the morning instead of an annoying buzzer
  2. The early morning chats with my husband
  3. Hearing the same message given by different people in different situations telling me GOD is working on my stubborness in listening to HIM
  4. Moments that have changed my life
  5. The opportunity to be a friend to an amazing lady who touches my heart in a way she will never really know
  6. Living in this community where it is so amazing to be
  7. Having been blessed to nurse my son through his infancy
  8. Hot cup of coffee brought to me by my husband at 6am
  9. That I have a comfortable home
  10. My Salvation