Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sunday Gratitude List!


This morning, as God placed in my head some old songs that my Grandmother played on her piano when I was a child, I thought... WOW! How awesome that God gives us the ability to recall those good times from our past <3 a="" all="" and="" as="" by="" christian="" god="" grandma.="" have="" head="" heart="" house="" hymns="" i="" in="" is="" know="" listening.="" make="" my="" of="" on="" p="" piano="" played="" sing="" store="" the="" them="" they="">

Beautiful Memories this morning-

Sitting at the kitchen table having coffee with my Mom just chatting about the day.

The birth of each of my children and the joy my heart had that day!

Grandma teaching me to sew

Getting up at 5am to go milk goats (Really it is a good memory)

Bandit and Sir... my childhood dogs

All those long weekend drives to look at mansions my Mommy wanted to buy


I am blessed! God has taken most of the not so good memories away and this morning I am able to look at all those amazing times that were happy/good times. My childhood and early adulthood had more good memories than I could possibly post. For that today...