Thursday, March 28, 2013

Gratitude Overflow!

Today, I woke up, my little guy snuggled in my arms, my 4 year old was curled up in the small of my back, as I worked myself loose from the 2 boys I realized just how amazing God is... I have these babies who are just awesome! So loving, so kind just little miracles. God knew one day I would need the snuggles they so freely share with me. I stumbled towards the kitchen and was reminded how much God has blessed me when my coffee was sitting in the pot ready for me. Ahhh to live in a time where coffee is made before you are out of bed!

I woke up in my own house! Hey I just spent 2 weeks homeless so I PERSONALLY know how great it is to have your own house. God made things work together to make this home available to us. How truly blessed am I? I sat down at my computer and again, WOW! God is so good to me! Just a little over 7 weeks ago, I had no computer and then God in all His amazing provision gave me one. I have internet! How awesome is that? Do you know that there are those people, even here in the United States who aren't able to afford internet?  Thank You Lord! That I have electricity? That in and of itself was one of God's miracles in my life! God is so over the top in His blessings!

For the first two hours of my morning today, I was able to see that EVERY SINGLE MOMENT was truly a BLESSING in my life. Think about it... indoor plumbing? Yeah some people don't have that. Temperature controlled home? Some folks are sleeping under a bridge. Family? Some folks are all alone. Got a chair to sit in? Some folks don't. God has blessed me, God has provided for me, God has set before me this wonderful and amazing life and I am so GRATEFUL!!!!