Thursday, March 21, 2013

Rise and Shine!

Good Morning Friends and Family! God has graced us with another amazing day! The sun is rising, I love sunrise! There is something awesome about watching the sun come up over the mountain tops, to watch the colors of the sky change from that midnight blue to have those shades of pink and orange as the sky becomes lighter and lighter.

Today's Gratitude List

  1. Father God
  2. Christ
  3. Holy Spirit
  4. The Word of God
  5. Sunrises
  6. Singing birds
  7. Warm house on crisp cool mornings
  8. Snuggling babies
  9. Internet (so many people I love live out there on the world wide web <3 li="">
  10. Soft fuzzy blankies
  11. Coffee (_)o
  12. Lights that turn on by a flip of a switch (love that I don't have to go outside at 5am to get the generator started so we can have electricity in the house for a few hours)
  13. Water that comes out just by turning a faucet (Don't have to fill a water tower while it is freezing outside!)
  14. Friends who pray!
  15. LIFE!!!!!

I am excited for another new day. Although God seems to be taking His time resolving my hot water issue, I know He is up to something. It is tough sometimes to just wait on the Lord. But I am really working on the patience God requires of me to wait and take the steps He directs me to take. $1,200 is a lot of money and it is repercussions of bad choices. Yet I am confident God will provide a way where the seems no way... because that is just the nature of God!