Saturday, March 23, 2013

Saturday Gratitude

Good Morning Dear Readers!
This morning I sat here thinking about some of the things we take for granted-   vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch...

I can't smell things like other people. I don't smell the foul odor of the trash can, the dirty diaper, or even the fragrant smell of the roses. I can catch a whiff of the odors when I breath in through my mouth but it isn't the way other people smell. I cannot walk in a room and have aroma's make memory impressions. I have to concentrate to be able to smell and even then I will miss many aroma's. It can have advantages, but then it also has disadvantages...

How many of us have all our limbs? We just automatically take for granted that we have 2 hands and 2 feet.

So today I really want to concentrate on being grateful for all my parts, all my senses, that on a day to day basis I take for granted.

Hair- I have curly long hair and I really like my long curly hair. I take for granted that I am able to grow my hair, I complain at times about the curls, but man it is awesome to have long curly hair.

Brain- so mine doesn't always work right. Something about neurotransmitters not firing right. BUT! It really does most of what it is suppose to do. I see a keyboard and my brain transmits that information from my eyes to my fingers so that I am typing right now. Hey for some folks that gets screwed up and doesn't work so be grateful!

I also am grateful for my mental illness. For most of my life I have either ignored it or felt like it wasn't fair. Today I am able to say "Thank You Lord for giving me this affliction." It hasn't been easy, I have done some really stupid things because of it, I have had consequences that were horrifying yet through it all it has made me who I am and although still a work in progress, still changing every day I am pretty happy with who I am and where I am going.

Eyes- oh how awesome is it to watch a sunrise!!!! To see your children! To behold all the beauty the world has for us. To be able read, to be able to watch a show, so many things we do with our eyes each and every day. Think you don't? Go blindfolded for a day... THANK YOU GOD I CAN SEE!

Taste- oh how marvelous is that rich creamy chocolate pie? Those fresh from the plant fat red juicy strawberries? What about that strong cup of morning coffee? Oh how wonderful to be able to taste so many things! And that we live in a time and place where those things are available!!!!

Touch... nothing in the world can quite compare to the soft touch of flannel jammies, wrapped in a fuzzy blanket cuddling with your favorite 4 year old... all of that requiring your sense of touch to truly enjoy.

My arms and legs, hands and feet, oh how amazing are each of these! I get to go for walks, climb a hill, run a race, swim a river... oh God has indeed given me just what I need...

I am truly grateful for all my parts and all that they do!