Sunday, March 31, 2013

Resurrection Day Gratitude List

My heart is so FULL of JOY at what the LORD has done for me! Jesus came, he lived, he taught, he suffered, he died, and then he conquered the grave and because of all of that I have a HOPE and a FUTURE and a PROMISE!

Today I am grateful on so many levels - as I listened this morning to a televised service I heard a message that reminded me that I am not experiencing anything that is new or different from what every other human being has experienced. What is different, is that I have the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide me, I have the promise of Jesus Christ to take my burden and carry it for me, and I have the promise of God that some day all of the pain and sorrow will be gone.

I am truly blessed and grateful for all the Lord has done for me!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Saturday Gratitude

I am especially blessed today- I get to start my day with coffee and God's Word! NOTHING gets a good day going in the best direction than a good cup of coffee and the Good News that is in my Bible....

Of course it is also awesome to wake up in the morning with a little guy snuggled up close and the other one patting my cheek. Reminds me that God has a purpose in my life. These children He has entrusted to my care are pretty amazing. I am grateful that every morning my 4 year old says "Good Morning God" and means it. I am grateful my daughter is able to go to a Christian School where not only is she learning the basics of traditional education but she is also learning the Word each and every day. I am grateful that each of these little ones are growing up in a home where God always comes first in our lives.

The other day, my daughter was making cards for family. She pops off she is making the biggest one for her sister, because she is the boss of her house. I ask "Who is the boss of our house?" and my son made my heart just sing with joy when he answered "Jesus".

A couple of days ago, I was feeling very sorry for myself over the demise of my marriage. God sent me a word... He reminded me that He is my first love, He is my Provider, He is my Comforter, He is my Source for all good things in my life. As long as I am keeping Him first, things like my husbands human failings and walking out on our marriage only have a minimal affect on my life.

Yesterday was Good Friday, tomorrow is Easter. Today is the day that His disciples and followers mourned at His death. Today I want ot celebrate what Jesus did for me! His death, the mourning, and then His resurrection all worked together to bring me into a personal relationship with the Father. Today I say "THANK YOU JESUS!"

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Gratitude Overflow!

Today, I woke up, my little guy snuggled in my arms, my 4 year old was curled up in the small of my back, as I worked myself loose from the 2 boys I realized just how amazing God is... I have these babies who are just awesome! So loving, so kind just little miracles. God knew one day I would need the snuggles they so freely share with me. I stumbled towards the kitchen and was reminded how much God has blessed me when my coffee was sitting in the pot ready for me. Ahhh to live in a time where coffee is made before you are out of bed!

I woke up in my own house! Hey I just spent 2 weeks homeless so I PERSONALLY know how great it is to have your own house. God made things work together to make this home available to us. How truly blessed am I? I sat down at my computer and again, WOW! God is so good to me! Just a little over 7 weeks ago, I had no computer and then God in all His amazing provision gave me one. I have internet! How awesome is that? Do you know that there are those people, even here in the United States who aren't able to afford internet?  Thank You Lord! That I have electricity? That in and of itself was one of God's miracles in my life! God is so over the top in His blessings!

For the first two hours of my morning today, I was able to see that EVERY SINGLE MOMENT was truly a BLESSING in my life. Think about it... indoor plumbing? Yeah some people don't have that. Temperature controlled home? Some folks are sleeping under a bridge. Family? Some folks are all alone. Got a chair to sit in? Some folks don't. God has blessed me, God has provided for me, God has set before me this wonderful and amazing life and I am so GRATEFUL!!!!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Last night I sat out on my porch and listened to the frogs out on the little pond, was able to hear some geese and ducks too and it reminded just how awesome God is that He has given us every living creature to enjoy, You think about creation and how each step was done so that we, human beings, would be cared for... just amazing to me.

Today I am grateful that God created every fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and every living creature that moves on the ground... Truly awesomeness and I am grateful (and some of them taste really yummy too!)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


GOOD MORNING! Today's Gratitude List

  1. A God who I have a PERSONAL relationship with-
  2. Jesus who came, taught, died, and was resurrected so that I could have that personal relationship with Our Father
  3. The Holy Spirit who has been sent to me while Jesus is away from me
  4. My Bible- the Word of God that leads me in the way I should go
  5. My Church Family- those folks who gather together to lift each other up and encourage one another in our walk with the Lord

  1. My Parents- Although they are gone from this life, they brought me into this world and raised me as best they could to be the person I am today
  2. My Brother- Love that guy- he is there through thick and thin 
  3. My Children- all 7 of them! God has blessed me so much through the babies He entrusted me with! 
  4. Aunts, Uncles, Cousins- although I don't spend much time with any of them these days, as a child they were all instrumental in helping me grow into who I am.
  5. The brothers and sisters I have in Christ- what an amazing family!!!!!

Monday, March 25, 2013

CoFfEe MoNdAy!


This morning, my little guy woke me up bright and early at 4:45 am! Boy am I grateful for coffee! It does something to get the eyes open, the mind working, and the body moving... Morning Coffee is also my time with God (in between holding the toddler, changing diapers, getting him a drink, and whatever else he needs) What is awesome is God is like a best friend in that regard and just keeps listening while I chat with him and take care of the little guy.

This mornings gratitude list isn't very long- I am grateful for God and coffee and starting my day with both.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Afternoon Gratitude


I have noticed that I wake up full of hope and excitement for the day ahead and then as the day goes forward I become depressed and my joy seems to dissipate. So I am going to make an afternoon and evening Gratitude List whenever that happens. That way, by looking at the positives in life, maybe I can capture the joy I have at the start of each new day.

Today I am going to list things that make me smile.

  1. Sunbeams on my face... they always make me feel like God is giving me warm kisses when the sun lands on my face
  2. The sounds of a small river or creek traveling across some rocks... such a sweet sound
  3. Puddle Jumping!
  4. Playing Pooh Sticks at the bridge with my kids!
  5. Dancing in the rain!
  6. Hearing my kids say "I love you Mommy"
  7. Cuddly Kittens
  8. Wiggling Puppies
  9. Giggling Babies
  10. Rolling in the grass with my babies

So many many other things!!!! I could go on all day! God really has blessed me with so many things that make me smile... like watching a horse run across a pasture, or a duck take a bath in a pond, and there are the laughs of seeing a kitten play with a ball of yarn. Finding the perfect pair of shoes? Yeah that makes me smile! 

What about those times when you think of someone and your phone rings and they are calling just to say hi? Or cruising the grocery store aisles and bump into someone you haven't seen in a while and they share some delightful news? Then there is the times when feeling all alone, someone stops by to say "I was thinking of you"... yes those all make me smile!

That pitcher of ice cold sweet tea on a hot summer day... how can you not smile as you lift that glass, anticipating the sweet delight? 

Spring means it is time for picnics and bbq's and all sorts of outdoor play. I love the outdoors... it makes me smile! I love being with family- for sure that makes me smile! Having friends around makes me smile too! 

Sunday Gratitude List!


This morning, as God placed in my head some old songs that my Grandmother played on her piano when I was a child, I thought... WOW! How awesome that God gives us the ability to recall those good times from our past <3 a="" all="" and="" as="" by="" christian="" god="" grandma.="" have="" head="" heart="" house="" hymns="" i="" in="" is="" know="" listening.="" make="" my="" of="" on="" p="" piano="" played="" sing="" store="" the="" them="" they="">

Beautiful Memories this morning-

Sitting at the kitchen table having coffee with my Mom just chatting about the day.

The birth of each of my children and the joy my heart had that day!

Grandma teaching me to sew

Getting up at 5am to go milk goats (Really it is a good memory)

Bandit and Sir... my childhood dogs

All those long weekend drives to look at mansions my Mommy wanted to buy


I am blessed! God has taken most of the not so good memories away and this morning I am able to look at all those amazing times that were happy/good times. My childhood and early adulthood had more good memories than I could possibly post. For that today...


I stand all AMAZED!

I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me
Confused at the grace that so fully he proffers me
I tremble to know that for me he was crucified
That for me, a sinner, he suffered, he bled and died

Oh, it is wonderful that he should care for me enough to die for me
Oh, it is wonderful
Wonderful to me

I marvel that he would descend from his throne divine
To rescue a soul so rebellious and proud as mine
That he should extend his great love unto such as I
Sufficient to own, to redeem and to justify
Oh, it is wonderful that he should care for me enough to die for me
Oh, it is wonderful
Wonderful to me

I think of his hands, pierced and bleeding to pay my debt
Such mercy, such love and devotion can I forget?
No, no, I will praise and adore at the mercy seat
Until at the glorified throne I kneel at his feet

I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me
Secure in the promise of life in his victory
Thus ransomed from death I will live to my Savior's praise
And sing of his goodness and mercy through endless days

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Saturday Gratitude

Good Morning Dear Readers!
This morning I sat here thinking about some of the things we take for granted-   vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch...

I can't smell things like other people. I don't smell the foul odor of the trash can, the dirty diaper, or even the fragrant smell of the roses. I can catch a whiff of the odors when I breath in through my mouth but it isn't the way other people smell. I cannot walk in a room and have aroma's make memory impressions. I have to concentrate to be able to smell and even then I will miss many aroma's. It can have advantages, but then it also has disadvantages...

How many of us have all our limbs? We just automatically take for granted that we have 2 hands and 2 feet.

So today I really want to concentrate on being grateful for all my parts, all my senses, that on a day to day basis I take for granted.

Hair- I have curly long hair and I really like my long curly hair. I take for granted that I am able to grow my hair, I complain at times about the curls, but man it is awesome to have long curly hair.

Brain- so mine doesn't always work right. Something about neurotransmitters not firing right. BUT! It really does most of what it is suppose to do. I see a keyboard and my brain transmits that information from my eyes to my fingers so that I am typing right now. Hey for some folks that gets screwed up and doesn't work so be grateful!

I also am grateful for my mental illness. For most of my life I have either ignored it or felt like it wasn't fair. Today I am able to say "Thank You Lord for giving me this affliction." It hasn't been easy, I have done some really stupid things because of it, I have had consequences that were horrifying yet through it all it has made me who I am and although still a work in progress, still changing every day I am pretty happy with who I am and where I am going.

Eyes- oh how awesome is it to watch a sunrise!!!! To see your children! To behold all the beauty the world has for us. To be able read, to be able to watch a show, so many things we do with our eyes each and every day. Think you don't? Go blindfolded for a day... THANK YOU GOD I CAN SEE!

Taste- oh how marvelous is that rich creamy chocolate pie? Those fresh from the plant fat red juicy strawberries? What about that strong cup of morning coffee? Oh how wonderful to be able to taste so many things! And that we live in a time and place where those things are available!!!!

Touch... nothing in the world can quite compare to the soft touch of flannel jammies, wrapped in a fuzzy blanket cuddling with your favorite 4 year old... all of that requiring your sense of touch to truly enjoy.

My arms and legs, hands and feet, oh how amazing are each of these! I get to go for walks, climb a hill, run a race, swim a river... oh God has indeed given me just what I need...

I am truly grateful for all my parts and all that they do!

Friday, March 22, 2013

The Word!

Good Morning Readers! Today I thought I would do a little something different~ You see God has given us His Word to guide us while we are on earth, living this life. So today I thought I would share some of my favorite scriptures. The ones that bring me hope during dark times, the ones that make my spirit soar in good times. The ones that remind me who I am and what is to become of me. I hope you enjoy.

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

John 3:16 
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Isaiah 55:12 
You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands

Psalm 40:5 
Many, LORD my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare.

Psalm 36:7 
How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings.

Job 5:9 
He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.

Isaiah 25:1 
LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago.

Psalm 139:14 
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Psalm 40:17 
But as for me, I am poor and needy; may the Lord think of me. You are my help and my deliverer; you are my God, do not delay.

1 John 4:12 
No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.

1 John 4:18 
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

Matthew 6:14
 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

Matthew 7:7 
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

John 3:36 
Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on them

There are SO many more!!! But I need to get my morning moving along so that is all I am going to share today. I pray that at least one of these touched your heart and drew you closer to God.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Rise and Shine!

Good Morning Friends and Family! God has graced us with another amazing day! The sun is rising, I love sunrise! There is something awesome about watching the sun come up over the mountain tops, to watch the colors of the sky change from that midnight blue to have those shades of pink and orange as the sky becomes lighter and lighter.

Today's Gratitude List

  1. Father God
  2. Christ
  3. Holy Spirit
  4. The Word of God
  5. Sunrises
  6. Singing birds
  7. Warm house on crisp cool mornings
  8. Snuggling babies
  9. Internet (so many people I love live out there on the world wide web <3 li="">
  10. Soft fuzzy blankies
  11. Coffee (_)o
  12. Lights that turn on by a flip of a switch (love that I don't have to go outside at 5am to get the generator started so we can have electricity in the house for a few hours)
  13. Water that comes out just by turning a faucet (Don't have to fill a water tower while it is freezing outside!)
  14. Friends who pray!
  15. LIFE!!!!!

I am excited for another new day. Although God seems to be taking His time resolving my hot water issue, I know He is up to something. It is tough sometimes to just wait on the Lord. But I am really working on the patience God requires of me to wait and take the steps He directs me to take. $1,200 is a lot of money and it is repercussions of bad choices. Yet I am confident God will provide a way where the seems no way... because that is just the nature of God!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Today- 25 things that bring me joy

  1. GOD!
  2. Jesus!
  3. The Holy Spirit!
  4. The Bible!
  5. FAMILY! (those by blood, those in Christ, and those in heart)
  6. Friends!
  7. LOVE!
  8. Rain
  9. Spring
  10. LILACS! (my very favorite flower)
  11. Roses
  12. Cherry Blossoms
  13. Daffodil's (and I will always hear my Mommy's voice calling them Daff-a-dum-dillies when I see them)
  14. Lavender
  16. Running Water
  17. Electricity
  18. A Home
  19. Internet
  20. My Computer
  21. Good Books 
  22. SINGING! 
  23. Music
  24. SNOW!
  25. Coffee (_)o

Thursday, March 14, 2013

"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." (1 John 4:18)

I got it! God's love! Jesus's love! My Family! My Church Family! My Friends! Love OVERFLOWING!!!!!