Sunday, August 29, 2010

August 29,2010

Todays Gratitude List
It is all about my KatieBug
I am so grateful for her! She is an awesome amazing kid
who brings me so much joy and happiness!
She has a beautiful spirit!
She is independent and self assured,
full of her own opinions about things and not afraid
to share her opinions.
Katie is such a blessing!
She has a sense of humor that is as big as her heart!
She loves with all her heart
Sharing and Caring for those in her life that she loves
She is giving and generous (although you would never
suspect it with the way she acts at time *laugh*)
Katie is truly an amazing daughter and I am SO Blessed!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Augus 28,2010

Today's Gratitude List

Fall is in the air~ it is back to school time, birthday time, and warning that snow is coming soon! Today my Graititude List is really about these things~

Grateful for the changes in seasons. It is so wonderful to watch the days change from summer to fall to winter and then back to spring and a new year.

Grateful for school starting~ it gives me a few hours a day to do what I want/need to do. As much as I enjoy my children and love being around them and doing things for them, I miss the "me" time that comes during the school year.

Birthdays~ ahhhh...

My Joshua's was the other day, my precious Katie has hers tomorrow, and on the heels of theirs will be mine next Saturday. Birthdays are a reflective time for me. And with the three of ours being so close together it is even more so.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

August 26, 2010

Today is my son's 19th Birthday~ so I am dedicating todays Gratitude List just to him!
I am grateful for Joshua~
I am grateful for his sense of humour!
I am grateful for his empathy to people
I am grateful for his strength
I am grateful for his honesty
I am grateful for his smile that can brighten even the darkest room
Joshua is truly an amazing young man, so full of promise for his future and so full of life and joy NOW!
On August 26, 1991 my life was forever changed by this child's birth. He is such an amazing kid and I am so glad that he is mine!
I am proud of all that he has accomplished, graduating high school when it looked like he shouldn't. He did what was needed to make it happen, leaving behind fun and games for the last 6 months of school, doing only school all day and most evenings so he could graduate. The mission trips he has gone on, sharing with people in other countries the word, some fun moments, and some health care things too.
Joshua is a wonderful son and I know just how blessed I am to have him in my life!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

August 24, 2010

Today's Gratitude List
Today I am so grateful that God has provided me the opportunity to be a full time stay at home Mom~ as my little one struggles with Croup, I am not worried about having to miss work or leave him with a babysitter. I am able to be here for him full time all the time while he is sick. God is so amazing and I am so grateful for this opportunity to actually be a Mom and raise my kids instead of having to leave them with sitters as I did with my older kids. Really I am blessed in uncountable ways!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

August 21, 2010

Todays Gratitude List!
I was sitting here thinking about what I am realy grateful about today~
Have you ever wondered why God created us the way he did?
We have a sense of humor, we laugh, we find joy!
How amazing is it that God made us to be such a happy creature!
Today my gratitude is all about all the amazing delightful wonderful fun joyous things that we get to enjoy in this life!

Life is so delightful~ take a minute, see what brings a smile to your face...

What is it that makes your heart just burst with joy?

What happens in your life that makes you want to sing?

My list is miles long... I know if I sat down and wrote them all out I could give you pages of things that are just awesome and amazing and bring me joy!

#1: GOD!

#2: My family and friends

#3: All the people who touch my life,each and every day!

From there we go to all the other stuff in life~ puppies and kittens

Nature and ALL it holds for us to enjoy

(Butterflies fluttering, bright yellow buttercups, deer grazing,

rabbits hopping, purple iris in bloom, sparrows building their nest,

really this list of just things in nature could reach 1000 things)

Home and all the wonders that are there along with all the convienances that bring us joy and happiness.

I know you have some of these things and things of your own too...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

August 17, 2010

Today's Attitude of Gratitude
As a child, my grandmother would play the piano, from it would be all these amazing old time hymns. I grew up singing them although I didn't always understand what exactly they meant. I would sing along side my Grandmother immersed in the songs.
As a teen, a few run in's with the religious establishment had me high tailing it away from church, I wanted nothing to do with these people who talked about a loving God but had evil in their hearts.
I was more comfortable hanging out with the sinners, the agnostics, the atheists... they were real and few showed the hypocrisy that I saw in the "Christian" world... but there was that little part of me that held onto the early life experiences in Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and my Grandmother's piano playing. (see Proverbs 22:6)
From around 1983 until 2004, I was lost in the desert, wandering around the same mountain, whining and bemoaning my situation, owning no personal responsibility for my life OR giving God any of the glory for my life...
2004~ my first real adult encounter with God. I got it. Somewhere inside me, it clicked. I still didn't turn my life over to the care and control of God yet. But I was getting it. I attended church, was invovled in a recovery program for people of Faith, was working on getting involved. But there were so many things that just didn't seem right to me in orgainzed religion...
Today I can see why and I thank God for His patience with me as I learned these things and learned just how blessed I am,,,

When upon life’s billows you are tempest-tossed,
When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
Count your many blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
Count your blessings, see what God hath done!
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
*Count your many blessings, see what God hath done.
[*And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.]
Are you ever burdened with a load of care?
Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear?
Count your many blessings, every doubt will fly,
And you will keep singing as the days go by.
When you look at others with their lands and gold,
Think that Christ has promised you His wealth untold;
Count your many blessings—wealth can never buy
Your reward in heaven, nor your home on high.
So, amid the conflict whether great or small,
Do not be discouraged, God is over all;
Count your many blessings, angels will attend,
Help and comfort give you to your journey’s end.

Monday, August 16, 2010

August 16, 2010

Today's Gratitiude List
God has blessed me with this amazing man~ and I am ever so grateful for him.
There are times I forget just how amazing he really is.
He brings me coffee in bed.
He helps with things around the house.
He is a loving father to my 2 little ones.
He loves me.
Yes indeed, my husband is amazing and I am truly blessed to have him in my life!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

August 14, 2010

Todays gratitude list is a little harder to come up with... right smack dab in the middle of an exciting and amazing life I have been hit with some depression. But even in the midst of this darkness, I know that God is blessing me and that I have many things in my life to be ever grateful for...

It starts at the begining of each day, the sun rises, sending the warmth of God to begin our day. Looking out across the horizon as this sun makes it's appearance, God blesses us with the most amazing colors in the sky~ "blue" will never be the same after you watch the shades of blue the sky turns during sunrise.

Colors... think about being grateful for all the colors God has given us through this refraction thing... pink, blue, purple, green, red, white, and on and on... simply awe inspiring when you think about it. Take a look at a rock, a simple thing as a rock can have so many colors and shades of colors in it... totally amazing.

Rocks and dirt and water and the things of the earth~ plants and animals all there to provide for us, to be there for us to use and enjoy. Honestly how totally amazing is it that all these things are there for us. The world is such an amazing place!

Friday, August 13, 2010

August 13, 2010

  1. My children~
    his mental illness and drug addiction has
    been difficult to deal with but he has also
    brought many times of joy and wonder

    this kid has been such a blessing in my life!
    He is smart and funny and has taught me that
    no matter what life gives you, you can overcome
    it and be better because of it

    My Jewish son who has been going on Christian
    Missions, spreading the good news of Christ
    and what he did for us to children around the

    This child, with her strong will and desire to
    be the very best her she can be without caring
    what other people think is just amazing!

    Who knew 8 years ago when I found out I was pregnant
    that this child would be the one who brought me to
    Christ. Her unwaivering child faith has been such
    an inspiration to me. When I don't feel like going
    to church, she is there, encouraging me to go...

    This boy is the light of my life. He came into this
    world under less than ideal circumstances, yet he has
    been such a blessing and joy. He has a wonderful spirit
    that just makes me joyful!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Romans 8:17
Now if we are children, then we are heirs heirs of God
and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings
in order that we may also share in his glory.
How totally amazing is that? Being an heiress? Say it out loud "I am an heiress". Being a child of God, we will inherit the Kingdom of God. Until we receive that inheritance in it's entirety we are like any child in a family~ the Father will do great things for His child just because He loves the child.
Think about it... what do parents do for their children~ so if we do that for OUR children, think how great God is and how much more He will give...
I heard a lady today say "Think of it like this, God has handed you His ATM card and PIN"..

August 11, 2010

Today's Gratitude List
  1. My husband has a temp job today
  2. He is working with a mighty man of God who will lift him and encourage him
  3. My daughter comes home tomorrow
  4. My son starts school today!
    A blessing after he quit 3 years ago and seemed to have lost all desire to even truly live life
  5. My awesome friends!
  6. The Word of God
    It has been feeding me everyday and working on my heart
  7. Sink full of dishes I need to wash
    We are eating well and spending time together as a family
  8. Waking up in the arms of my husband
    I cannot even begin to express how special this is to me
  9. KLOVE Radio Station
    A wonderful way to have worship music in my home and help
    keep me focused on the things of God
  10. ♥♥♥ LOVE ♥♥♥
    God's Love, Christ's Love, Friend's Love, Family's Love
    Just all the Love that is in my life!
    So amazing, so wonderful such a blessing!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

August 10, 2010

GOOD MORNING Faithful Readers and New Readers too! I have been neglectful posting of late~ it is not because I am not making my gratitude list, rather it is because life has been busy and logging in to post it has been put off...

I sat here this morning thinking about my list~ today is a day when I am truly wrapped in the arms of gratitude~ I woke up this morning in my bed, next to my husband, the sun shining through our window and I knew from that moment how blessed I am today. I have a home, a bed, a family, the sun is amazing, the breeze blowing is awesome, the little sparrow who has built her nest under the eves at my window, the deer stopping traffic out in front of my house, my son waking up and wanting to cuddle, my husband brewing the coffee first thing, sitting with him over coffee discussing what we need to accomplish today... WOW! Life really is a blessing and there is so much to be grateful for and so often we just forget the simple things in life that are so awesome!

Think about it~ when you take a shower~ think about being grateful for running hot and cold water that you can adjust the tempurture to your exact comfort, that the water runs out onto your body rinsing away not just dirt but tension as well, that you have soaps that smell so good to wash your body and hair with, soft fluffy, absobant towles to dry off with when you clinb out of the shower... really in just that 15 minute act you could list 20 things to be grateful for... try it! I challenge you!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

August 3, 2010

Today's Gratitude List
  1. My Bible~ the word of God that is there to guide me
  2. Counselors who are there to provide guidance for my family
  3. My husband~ imperfect as he, is an amazing man and I am blessed to have him in my life
  4. My children~ in all their loudness and rambuctiousness and disobeying and all that~ my children are pretty awesome and boy I cannot imagine life without them
  5. The Internet~ because it provides so many opportunities for me in this life

Monday, August 2, 2010

August 2, 2010

For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.
Philippians 2:13

  1. Wisdom~ God has been faithful in providing wisdom in situations where I have needed it and asked.

  2. Faith~ God has been busy teaching me to have faith~ faith not only that God CAN do something but that God WILL do it, if only I have faith.

  3. Love~ While I have been fortunate in my life to experience much Love, both giving and recieving, I am grateful today that God's Love has been so steady and unchanging and has been the consistant in my life when all else was chaos

  4. The Holy Spirit~ having the Holy Spirit alive in me~ knowing that God is right here in me~ I am just amazied at it and so grateful because as long as I yeild to the Holy Spirit and the direction God is giving me, my life will be blessed beyond all imagination

  5. Songs of Worship~ I am so grateful to the muscians who have created so many songs of worship to share with me and help me to keep my mind focused on God at all times