Monday, May 31, 2010

Today in Rememberence of Memorial Day I want to take a moment to

say thank-you to all you have served our country, under

the American Flag

Each day in my Gratitude list is something listed that

if I did not live in this country, if it were not for the men and women

in the past who fought for the freedoms I enjoy today,

I would not be able to list.

So a special thank you to those who have served or are serving in the

United States Armed Forces!

I am truly grateful to you for fighting for the freedoms I enjoy today!

Now for my Gratitude List

  1. Quiet mornings where I can watch my baby girls sleep
  2. My telephone that keeps me in touch with friends&family I love and adore
  3. That I am able to trust my husband without reservation
  4. Lazy dayz spent with family
  5. The mechanic who is fixing my Mercedes
  6. Summer Vacation (only a few more days!)
  7. A cup of hot coffee and my husband sitting at the table with me while we chat about things going on in our lives
  8. CHOCOLATE CAKE! (really! I enjoy it so I am grateful for it)
  9. Having a tempurature control in my house that keeps things from getting too hot or too cold!
  10. The smell of a good old fashion American Pot Roast cooking in the crockpot!