Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tuesday May 11, 2010

Today my list is so much longer than just 10 things! But I will keep it to 10~ because tomorrow I am going to do a 100 things list! Think about it... can you think of 100 things to be grateful for in your life?

1. Living in this amazing place where there is snow in May!
2. Having a relationship with my Father in Heaven
3. A school that celebrates Parents
4. Being a stay-at-home Mom
5. Being able to attend Muffins for Moms with my daughter at her school
6. Playing catch with my son
7. White Chocolate Mocha from StarBucks
8. My daughter playing hairdresser and fixing my hair in the morning
9. Waking up late but aving my girls already getting themselves ready for school
10. Phone calls for amazing friends bright and early in the morning