Monday, May 10, 2010

Lets Get Started

Welcome to my Gratitude List!

A couple of years ago, in the middle of depression, I was asked to think of 100 things I am thankful or grateful for. 100? Yup 100... Can you think of 100 things you are grateful for? I have kept up with the gratitude list ever since then. Usually just a couple of things before bed and then again a couple of things when I wake up.

But as I sat this morning, I realized that I have fallen out of the habit of writing them down. The spoken or written word has so much more power than just thought. And so I decided, it is time to write them down.

My goal is to do a daily list of 10 things. I know that I am busy and often am easily distracted so I may not be as good at this at first as I would like to be. I am hoping that if I make it part of my morning devotions that it will come easier.

Join me on my journey... and take a minute to think... what are you grateful for today?