Tuesday, October 26, 2010

October 26, 2010

Good Morning Gratitude List!

What are you thankful for today?

Seriouisly from the moment I wake up until the moment I go to bed there is so much in my life to  grateful for!

  1. Waking up~ praise God another day to be here with friends and family
  2. Waking up in my bed! Praise God I have a bed and don't have to sleep on the floor or ground
  3. Waking up in my home! Praise God I have a home!
  4. My husband making coffee! Praise God, I have a husband willing to do things,
    Praise God we have running water in our house,
    Praise God that we have electricity to operate the coffee maker
  5. Having a computer to check on friends and family across the country!
So much, just think about the first half hour of your day~ what do you have to be thankful for?