Monday, October 25, 2010

Ocotber 25, 2010

Today's Gratitude List
October 25, 2010

  1. RAIN!!!! It has been raining for 3 days now~ so needed and so amazing and Praise God for it!
  2. Weddings!!! It is awesome to be able to witness a wedding and see th elove that people have for eachother! What an amazing blessing!
  3. Family both far and near! This past weekend I got to see family that I hadn't seen for a while~ what a wonderful thing!
  4. Long Road Trips! yes thankful for them <3 they take me places I really want to be
  5. Financial ability to make long road trips~ Praise God for making it all happen
  6. The amazing view outside a car window~ seeing places you hadn't seen before because you hadn't stopped to look!
  7. Singing fun songs with the kids in the car on a road trip!
  8. Monday mornings and back to routines :)
  9. Living a simple life
  10. LOVE <3 friends, family, God, Love is an amazing and beautiful thing!