Sunday, October 31, 2010

October 31, 2010

It is All Hallows Eve...
For some tonight is a time of evil and demons
For others it is a time to celebrate the Saints
For some it is just about getting candy
For others it is just another day

(^ ^) (^ ^) (^ ^) (^ ^)

I wanted to take a moment to really be grateful
that I live in a place where no matter what this day means to me or anyone
else we live in a place where we are allowed to observe it the way we see fit.

(^ ^) (^ ^) (^ ^) (^ ^)

Friday, October 29, 2010

October 29, 2010

Today's Gratitude List

Being it is fall and there is much talk about harvesting~ I wanted todays gratitude list to be about the things I am sowing in my life for a havest later.

  1. Love
  2. Peace
  3. Trust
  4. Joy
  5. Happiness
  6. Patience
  7. Positive Attitude

Thursday, October 28, 2010

October 28, 2010

In observence of the most awesome holiday!
Today, October 28, 2010
is National Chocolate Day!
An awesome holiday!

Let me tell you! This is a holiday to celebrate, really get into, really really give it 100%! What food in life gives as much pleasure? (well maybe coffee?)

So in now particular order are some of my very favorite choclate things and I want to say on this day of observance~ I am VERY grateful for CHOCOLATE!

  1. White Chocolate mocha coffee
  2. Hot Cocoa
  3. Chocolate chip Muffins
  4. Reeces Peanut Butter Cups
  5. 3 Muskateers
  6. Really any milk chocolate candy bar <3 disgusting as they are I love them!
  7. Strawberries dipped in chocolate
  8. Chocolate cake
  9. Chocolate ice cream with chocolate syrup
  10. a BRICK of GOOD Chocolate~ Lady Godiva, Ghiradilli, Lindt... you get the picture

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October 27, 2010

Today's Gratitude List

  1. Mornings! How amazing to wake up and know you have a whole day ahead of you.
  2. Quiet times during the morning before others are up making noise
  3. Having a cup of coffee with God
  4. Knowing that my life is so amazingly blessed by the presence of some of the MOST amazing people!
  5. Graduating Parenting Class (funny been a parent for 25 years but took a parenting class)
  6. The aroma of the pot roast in the crockpot filling the house
  7. Having no worries about how the day is going to go~ secure in knowing God is in control
Life is beautiful!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

October 26, 2010

Good Morning Gratitude List!

What are you thankful for today?

Seriouisly from the moment I wake up until the moment I go to bed there is so much in my life to  grateful for!

  1. Waking up~ praise God another day to be here with friends and family
  2. Waking up in my bed! Praise God I have a bed and don't have to sleep on the floor or ground
  3. Waking up in my home! Praise God I have a home!
  4. My husband making coffee! Praise God, I have a husband willing to do things,
    Praise God we have running water in our house,
    Praise God that we have electricity to operate the coffee maker
  5. Having a computer to check on friends and family across the country!
So much, just think about the first half hour of your day~ what do you have to be thankful for?

Monday, October 25, 2010

Ocotber 25, 2010

Today's Gratitude List
October 25, 2010

  1. RAIN!!!! It has been raining for 3 days now~ so needed and so amazing and Praise God for it!
  2. Weddings!!! It is awesome to be able to witness a wedding and see th elove that people have for eachother! What an amazing blessing!
  3. Family both far and near! This past weekend I got to see family that I hadn't seen for a while~ what a wonderful thing!
  4. Long Road Trips! yes thankful for them <3 they take me places I really want to be
  5. Financial ability to make long road trips~ Praise God for making it all happen
  6. The amazing view outside a car window~ seeing places you hadn't seen before because you hadn't stopped to look!
  7. Singing fun songs with the kids in the car on a road trip!
  8. Monday mornings and back to routines :)
  9. Living a simple life
  10. LOVE <3 friends, family, God, Love is an amazing and beautiful thing!

Friday, October 22, 2010

October 22, 2010

Good Morning! Todays gratitude list is all about those things you don't think about so very often~ ever thought about being grateful the newspaper is delivered to your door? I did... when it didn't show up one time, I realized just how I took it for granted instead of being grateful for it. Fully charged batteries in you camera, phone, or other electronic, when you thought it was low! How cool is that. Yesterday I was cleaning up a million balls off the floor (ok more like 50 but still) how absolutly amazing is it that A) I have all those awesome toys for my son, who loves them! B) I have the physical ability to bend over pick the balls up, throw the balls, etc. We take our general financial ability for granted. We take out health for granted. How crazy is that when we are so blessed?

A vacuum cleaner, a washing machine, a coffee pot! How awesome are those things. They make things so much easier in our lives. Yet we tend to take them for granted and forget to be grateful for them. Stove, oven, refridgerator (go campoing for a weekend you'll remember to be grateful for them LOL) hot air and cold air available at the turn of a knob... really so many things in life to be grateful for.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

October 21, 2010

Today's Gratitude List
  1. The Sunshine
  2. Moonbeams
  3. Clouds in the sky
  4. Flowing Rivers
  5. Nature in ALL it's splendor and glory! GOD is AWESOME!
  6. Forgiveness~ given and received
  7. The past for all it has taught me
  8. The future for all that is yet in store for me
  9. NOW because it is absolutley perfect for NOW!
  10. Life! Living, breathing, coffee deprived morning life!

I also wanted to add, today I am grateful that it is the 61st anniversary of a special person being born,
Without his birthday, I would not have two of the most amazing kids on the planet!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

October 20, 2010

Gratitude List for Today

  1. Flowers, every kind! How wonderful they are! They brighten our day, in a vase or out in our world!
  2. Photography! How awesome is it that we can save memories with the click of a button!
  3. Husbands who do dishes! (I am so blessed)
  4. Babies who want to sit in your lap all day~ earlier I was whining about it. Then I thought about it. Really I am grateful my son wants to be held and played with!
  5. The changing of the leaves~ the magical colours of fall are AWESOME!
I am so grateful for all the blessings in my life! God is so amazing! From the things in nature that bring joy to the more mundane of just having the day to day provisions. There is more than I could list to be thankful for in my life!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

October 19, 2010

Happiness is an attitude.
We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong.
The amount of work is the same.
~Francesca Reigler

Gratitude List for Today
October 19, 2010
  1. Laughter! Seriously, think about it, LAUGHTER is amazing!
  2. Humour~ a little sarcasm (not the hurting kind, the funny kind) a little bantering, a little satire, a little irony, all brought to you by HUMOUR!
  3. Friends (Especially friends who laugh with you!)
  4. The internet (I keep in touch with old friends, make new friends, and can find almost anything I want to know about!)
  5. The aroma of bacon early in the morning
  6. Sitting quietly, listening to God, and hearing Him!
  7. Forgiveness~ how awesome is it to extend forgiveness, to just let go of the hurts of the past and move into the future.
  8. School *laughing* keeps my kids busy for a few hours a day
  9. Hope! Isn't it amazing that God has given us a hope for the future!
  10. Love! Love is all around us~ God's love is in us and around us, friends and family are loving us all over the place, loves only boundry is the one we place on it!

Monday, October 18, 2010

October 18, 2010

  1.  My amazing family!
  2. My Bible
  3. My camera that lets me keep memories
  4. Fresh Morning Air
  5. Waking up to a clean kitchen
  6. Being able to help my husband learn something he is struggling with in school
  7. Knowing the forgiveness of God
  8. Being able to extend forgiveness to others
  9. Watching my little one play
  10. LIFE!!!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

October 17, 2010

Today I have an attitude of Gratitude about:

  1. Cars that are trustworthy and dependable!
  2. Long road trips that go smoothly
  3. My amazing children
  4. Coffee to keep me awake
  5. The feel of a little one sleeping in my arms
  6. The beauty of the world around us
  7. Fall Colours
  8. Waterfalls
  9. Rivers and Streams
  10. Being able to SEE all the world has

Friday, October 15, 2010

October 15, 2010

Today I am thankful for the birthday of someone, a person who I know longer talk to, but who once was a very important part of my life, and without the presence of this person in my life, I would not have one the greatest blessings I have ever been given.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

October 6, 2010

My heart has been touched by the power of forgiveness...

Tonight I am grateful for God, through the sacrafice of His Son, Jesus Christ, provided a way for my sins to be forgiven and through the power of the Holy Spirit living in me, the ability to know exactly what has been forgiven.

I am grateful that God has been at work in my heart for me to extend forgiveness to others who have hurt me. That through the Holy Spirit tugging at my heart constantly, I have been learning that I need to extend the Grace, the forgiveness, I have been given to others. No matter how big or how small the transgression, I need to extend the same forgiveness God has shown me.

God and the Holy Spirit are still working on my heart about reconcilliation... but forgiveness~ thank GOD for the wonders of His LOVE!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

October 2, 2010

Gratitude List for Today

Living life with an attitude of gratitude, it really makes you so much more aware of all the wonderful things God has done. Today I was sitting here thinking about my list and knew that there a gazzilion things I am grateful for~ The moment I wake up in the morning, I am grateful I wake up next to my husband, I am grateful, I have my prayer time, I am grateful, I get that first cup of coffee, I am grateful, I wake my children so they can get their day started, I am grateful, I get my shower, I am grateful. Life is AMAZING and so often we take everything for granted. I want ot live my life with the knowledge that EVERYTHING in life is a blessing and wonderful and acknowledge all that God does for me!