Friday, April 18, 2014

WOW! It's been almost a year since I posted here! Not for lack of gratitude I assure you!!! Today I am doing a 100 things list not because I am working on gratitude but because my heart is overflowing with gratefulness for all that I have today!

  1. My Mom - she may be gone from earth but I love her and miss her and appreciate all she ever did for me!
  2. My Husband - it hasn't always been easy but it has been so worth it!
  3. Robert, my oldest son. My heart aches for this child but at the same time he has taught me so much in this life. Without him I may not have understood the true depth of unconditional love!
  4. Eugene, he is the child that taught me NEVER GIVE UP! No matter what difficulties you face, never give up! He is smart and if you ever can get him to sing, has a wonderful voice!
  5. Joshua, this boy was always a Daddy's boy, if only he knew how much Mom loves him! He has an amazing sense of humor, witty, and super smart. Who knew one of my kids would take calculus "for fun". This kid is awesome!
  6. KatieBug, my prayed for little girl. I named her after two woman who I knew had fortitude to withstand anything life threw at them and this child is more amazing than the women I named her after! She is going to do great things in her life and I love watching her grow into the wonderful woman she is going to be.
  7. LizzieGrace, God's precious gift to my life. This child, unplanned and unexpected changed my life forever. With a heart that seeks God and a desire to change the world with hope & love through Jesus. At 11 she already has a plan for her future to go out in the world and love it!
  8. Allen John, his smile captures the heart and I forward to watching him grow into the man God designed him to be. He is going to be a Nascar Driver when he grows up and lead worship at church! I can't wait!
  9. Blaine, the baby but such a strong will and desire to explore and do so many things! He is only 2 but I can see he is going to be someone to watch in the years to come for stepping out and doing more than anyone ever expected!
  10. My little Brother (or little bother) we have had our ups and downs BUT we are always there for each other!

11. My home- it's a little house and not what I dream of having someday but is perfect for this time and place in life!
12. Lights at the flick of a switch! 
13. Water at the turn of a faucet
14. HOT water without having to fire up the wood stove!
15. Warmth on cold nights
16. Heat at the touch of a button (like the wood stove but oh how convenient is central heat!)
18. Cable TV (although we could live with out it and be content it is nice to have)
19. Air conditioning 
20. All the traditional amenities in a home in the U.S.

21. The Seasons (of life and of weather)
22. Sunrises
23. Sunsets
24. Rainy Days
25. Rainbows
26. Snow
27. Soft breezes
28. Warm temperatures 
29. Long winters nights
30. Long summer days
31. Swimming
32. Sledding down a snowy hill
33. Dancing in the rain
34. Spring Flowers
35. Getting hands dirty in the garden
36. Sparrows playing in the yard
37. Squirrels gathering up food
38. Little ones sliding down slides
39. Cool soft grass on bare feet
40. Raking Leaves
41. Jumping in a pile of leaves!
42. Lilacs :)
43. Thanksgiving
44. Christmas
45. New Years
46. Valentine's Day
47. Easter
48. Independence Day 
49. Birthdays (studies have shown those that have the most birthdays live the longest!)
50. Birth of a baby
How have I gotten half way and not said how grateful I am for-
51. GOD!
52. Jesus and his life, death and resurrection!
53. The Bible
55. Prayer
57. My computer 
58. Skype (so grateful I get to see my daughter when we chat!)
59. My minivan (sure is better than walking when it is snowing or raining!)
60. My husbands job (what a blessing that as he works we are able to provide for our family AND be a blessing in the lives of others who are struggling)
61. Growing fresh produce!
62. I am especially grateful that I live in a time and place where food is abundant- my only wish is that it could be shared in those places where it isn't as abundant. 
63. I was going to list all the yummy foods I enjoy- rather than that I will just say I am grateful for a large selection of different foods that I really like 
64. I am grateful for the presence of "convenience" foods- they may not be as healthy for us but they do make it a bit easier to put together a fast meal when needed.
65. FISHING! I put it here just because it helps feed us but oh it is so much fun!
Have I mentioned 66. butterflies and 67. frogs and 68. ducks on the pond? Did I forget to say how grateful I am for 69. rivers and streams? And 70. LAKES and the 71. Ocean and 72. all the critters who inhabit them? Did I mention my gratitude for 73. dirt roads and 74. trails? Have I mentioned the joy that I get from 75. Tall Tall Trees? 76. I am so grateful I live close to nature! Oh! and while I am talking about all that... I am grateful for my very own 77. Apple Trees! Not to mention my 78. green lawn and 79. Flowers getting ready to bloom and of course my 80. Big Red Barn
81. I am grateful I can read 
82. WRITING! Oh how amazing it is to put thoughts on paper! 
83. Blogging (my own and others!)
84. BOOKS 
85. My Computer (so many of my friends live inside it!)
86. My Cell Phone (love keeping in touch with those I love)
87. Quite times with God
88. Noisy times with children
89. Cuddle time with husband
90. Anytime with those I love

I am grateful for 91.Dreams to dream 92. Second Chances 93. Music 94. Dancing 95. Twinkling Stars that look like diamonds in the sky 96. my camera that allows me to capture our life and preserve the moments 97. People who have come and gone from my life helping me become who I am today. 98. HOPE 99. LOVE 100. LIFE!!!!!