Sunday, April 27, 2014

April 27, 2014

This morning marks the 4th anniversary of someone very dear to me going home to be with the Lord. My Gratitude list today is for those who have touched my life and passed on from earthly life into the presence of the Lord. My Mom is the one my heart misses the most followed very closely by the man my kids called Uncle JJ (whose passing was today 4 years ago) my Grandmother has been gone 20 years and yet her touch on my life lives on. The only man I ever knew as a "Dad" Big Les.  There was Bob Stokes who wasn't just my sons Grandfather but a father figure to me at a time when I needed it so! Dorothy, who was more than just a friend, she was a mentor and prayer warrior extraordinaire. Sheran (JJ's beloved wife) and Cheryl (a friend from high school) who both positively influenced my life. There are the children I carried but never got to hold, who went to be with the Lord before they were ever born. I have Aunts & Uncles and Cousins and friends and my daughters Daddy who have all gone to be with the Lord.

Each in their own way changed the course of my life, some were with me through the darkest days of my life and others were gone before they came. Each and everyone missed for the contribution they made to helping me become who I am today.

THANK YOU GOD! For each of them! And God, there may not be visiting hours in heaven, but maybe you could tell them all how much they are missed and how I look forward to seeing them someday, when my work here on earth is done....