Thursday, April 24, 2014

Happy With What You Have



This morning I was reminded of a list that floated around the internet about so many of the things we take for granted making us rich. I don't recall the exacts but it included things like having a house making you richer than many and having food and being able to read and access to clean water. Of course the list that was presented had statistics that flee my mind at the moment. However, no matter the actual statistics, I know that in my life I have met some very unhappy people. Most who lived in the lap of luxury in comparison to most of the world and in comfortable ease by the U.S. standards. 

Why is it that in the midst of a comfortable life, so many are so dissatisfied and unhappy?  Why do they complain about their life when they have a home with all the traditional amenities (electricity, cable tv, clean water, internet)  plenty of food, a decent job, and family and friends around them?

Maybe because I have experienced long term unemployment, homelessness, living off-grid without basic amenities, having to walk to the store and doctors appointments because we had no car and even true hunger, maybe because of these things I have a greater appreciation for them and feel blessed in having those taken for granted things.

Today, if you will, take a few minutes to be grateful for things you more often than not take for granted-