Saturday, July 19, 2014

Praise in the Morning!

Good Morning Dear Readers! This morning I found that my mind just wasn't cooperating with slowing down and focusing on the good in life. I sat with a long list of things that I didn't have instead of the things I do have...
It started as I was washing the dishes. I stood at the sink hand washing and wondering why I don't have a dishwasher like most people. I was feeling really like it wasn't fair. Here I am washing dishes by hand and I had just read someone whining about having to unload their dishwasher. Then once dishes were done, I put a pan on the stove, I turned away, turned back a WOOSH! The pan was on fire. Lid grabbed, fire out, a little smoke and black junk to clean but a crisis averted. Yet, my mind instead of gratitude was frustrated that I had to deal with this and still feeling rather sorry for my lot in life. A friend was lamenting how her smart phone was acting up and again, I found myself thinking "well darn it I don't even have a smart phone". Kids asked me to turn on tv and I found myself going "Why can't we get XYZ channel instead of being stuck with this channel"

Oh I know all about how people all over the world may not even have food to create dirty dishes, or indoor plumbing to wash them. I know that there are 100's of people waking up this morning homeless, without anything possessions left from fire. Yes I know there are many many who have it worse than me. The logical mind knows it, yet I was having a very hard time in that moment appreciating what I have.

In the middle of this feeling ever so very sorry for myself I went out on my front porch for a conversation with God. If asked, even in the middle of feeling sorry for myself I could have made a list of "blessings" and not felt blessed. I knew it and couldn't fix it on my own. 

That conversation with God- in the Bible we can read a letter Paul wrote to the Philippians. Philippians 4 Paul says I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me
It was as if I really heard this passage for the first time. Even though I have read it, quoted it, & maybe even applied it a few times this morning it IMPACTED me. WHEN I take my eyes off of God, off of what Christ has done for the world, it doesn't matter what I have in this life. Family, friends, home, luxuries all become insufficient because they do not fill my heart.

Today I am grateful that when I turn to God, He guides me and answers me and through Him I have a HOPE and a FUTURE even if I don't have a dishwasher....