Saturday, July 26, 2014

Morning Gratitude


Good Morning Readers! It's going to be a GREAT day here in my little corner of the world! The sun is shining, humidity is low and it isn't too warm. Doesn't get much better than that for July! So top of today's gratitude list is PERFECT for me WEATHER 

 Next on my list is my home! We may not own it (or even buying it) but it is a good place for our family at this time in our lives (and a WHOLE LOT better than homeless!) Along with the home goes all the stuff involved like electricity, running (clean) water, waste water system, cable, internet, and telephones that let us stay in touch with people we love.

  I am grateful for all the food we have to eat! It is amazing and I am grateful to live in a time and place where starving is the very least of worries. I heard someone once say that for a person to starve to death in the U.S. (assuming they were not being held captive or had a physical ailment) they would have to really work at it. The sheer amount of food thrown away each day by food facilities (grocery stores & restaurants and the like) could sustain most any person who was without food. Of course also, I am grateful that is food I enjoy! I came to the realization a long time ago, I would have been one of the whining Israelite's when it came to the manna day after day after day meal after meal after meal. So yes indeed on my gratitude list is the variety of foods God provides for me!
 WOW! That is the most amazing blessing from God! I have my biological family, my heart family, and my church family! Because all the other "stuff" really doesn't matter if we don't have others to share it all with. Of course the family I most grateful for is being a child of GOD. Because like all the stuff isn't important with people you love on the journey, even with the people you love tagging along, if you aren't aware of the amazing part of being called a child of God, life is missing something.

Yes I am grateful for many things! Trying to never take for granted any of it. Not even the air I breath (having had people I love suffer with lung disease breathing is like a pretty important thing if you are living on planet earth) For today this is my list BLESSED to the overflow with so much! God is GOOD!