Tuesday, July 29, 2014

100 Things!

Blessings Dear Readers! What an amazing day the Lord has made with every heavenly blessing available to us today!
Today's Gratitude List is going to be a "One Hundred Things" list. One hundred things that bring me a smile!
Making a one hundred things list is so exciting to me! It really gets me focused on all the totally amazing things in the world around me and how exciting it is to live in the abundance of things that bring me joy! Beyond the obvious family and basic living provisions!

So Here we go!!!!

  1. Cup of coffee to start my day
  2. Cup of hot tea to end the day
  3. Glass of sweet on a hot summer day
  4. Cup of hot cocoa after playing in the snow
  5. BBQ with friends and family
  6. Fried Chicken with potato salad and watermelon
  7. A big pot of stew (with all the garden veggies tossed in!)
  8. A warm bagel loaded with cream cheese and lox
  9. Apple Pie
  10. Strawberries picked fresh from the garden 
  11. Snap Peas right off the vine
  12. A field of wild flowers
  13. Toes dunked in a mountain stream
  14. Listening to a real babbling brook
  15. A walk on a path through the trees
  16. Roses in bloom
  17. LILACS!
  18. Hollyhocks
  19. Daisies Dancing in the breeze
  20. Cool Grass under bare feet
  21. Blackberries picked from next to a river
  22. Sitting on the bank of a river fishing
  23. Watching ducks swim in a pond
  24. Watching Geese fly overhead
  25. Listening to Robin's sing a tune
  26. Hearing the doves coo
  27. Watching Sparrows flutter around the yard
  28. Butterflies dancing through the garden
  29. Bumble Bees gathering pollen
  30. Making a wish on a fluffy dandelion
  31. Drifting down a lazy river on a tube
  32. Watching a turtle sun itself on a rock
  33. Leaning against a tree reading a book
  34. A summer breeze caressing sun kissed skin
  35. Watching waves lap at the shore
  36. Building sandcastles on the beach
  37. The cool forest canopy over head while walking on a trail
  38. LadyBugs!
  39. White Picket Fences
  40. Old Victorian Houses
  41. Front Porches
  42. Clean Kitchens
  43. Pitter Patter of little feet on the stairs
  44. Playing tag with my kids
  45. Adventures with my husband and babies
  46. Cows in a pasture
  47. Kittens 
  48. Puppies
  49. A dog curled up at my feet
  50. Meteor Showers
  51. Lightening Storms
  52. Rain to interrupt a hot summer day
  53. Watching a tractor cut hay
  54. Lace Curtains
  55. Lazy afternoons snuggled with a small child
  56. A Babies Giggle
  57. A warm fire in the woodstove on a cool autumn evening
  58. Singing to God
  59. Rainbows
  60. Quiet Conversations with God
  61. Loud conversations with my kids
  62. Gentle conversations with friends
  63. Listening to my babies tell nursery rhymes
  64. Hugs
  65. Holding hands with my Husband
  66. Picnic in the front yard
  67. Sunrises that paint the sky in amazing hues of different blues 
  68. Sunsets in shades of pinks and yellow
  69. Silver Moons
  70. A pair of jeans that fit just right
  71. Morning dew sparkling like diamonds on the grass
  72. Brushing out a horse
  73. A waterfall
  74. Seeing my adult children happy
  75. Books
  76. Internet 
  77. Cell Phone
  78. Stain Glass windows
  79. Old wooden churches
  80. Listening to old church hymns
  81. Watching a Bald Eagle soar
  82. Watching an Osprey fish
  83. Watching an Otter float down stream
  84. Watching a squirrel gather food
  85. Seeing Elk on the hill
  86. A moose walking down the street
  87. A deer laying in the shade of an apple tree
  88. Morning Glories opening with the morning sun
  89. Watching a bird build a nest
  90. Flying a kite
  91. Coloring in a color book
  92. Dancing in the rain
  93. Playing Pooh Sticks at the bridge
  94. Day Dreaming
  95. Spending an afternoon writing 
  96. Family Dinners
  97. My own front porch
  98. My husband
  99. My Children
  100. GOD
And there you have it! 100 Things that make me smile, bring me joy, that I coult as a blessing that I get to enjoy!