Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Morning Gratitude

Last night before bed the babies and I went out and laid underneath the stars it was a wonderful experience! One they want to do over and over (every night forever I was told).

This morning I sat at my desk and watched as the sun peeked slowly up over the mountain top to shine it's light on another beautiful day. 

It seems in life we get so caught up in stuff we forget to go lay under the stars or sit and watch the sunrise. I never want to be so busy that I forget just how wonderful these things are! When my boys want to show me the melody they made on an app they found that lets them play a xylophone, I don't want to be so busy that I don't stop and watch and listen! 

It is a slower paced life that I desire and I am BLESSED by GOD and count it as GRATITUDE that I am able to live a slower life and enjoy these little things!