Friday, July 25, 2014


Dear Readers,
Most mornings I am blessed with being able to have a cup of coffee with God on my front porch. I feel so very blessed to sit on my porch with God and my coffee and watch the sun rise in the morning sky. I love how God paints these amazing pictures for me to enjoy as we talk. This morning as we talked, the little sparrows sang their morning tune in the trees, dew sparkled like diamonds on the lawn, the silky spider web caught the sun and I marveled at the design one little spider was able to make.
Cars drove by with people on their way to do whatever it is that they have to do at sunrise on a Friday morning and my heart was lead to pray for them. I prayed for each of them to have peace in their heart today.

This morning my gratitude list is that I am blessed with these slow mornings where I am able to have coffee with God, see all that He has set before me on my front porch, the ability to pray for others, my husband has work, my children, my LIFE! This amazing and beautiful life and all that comes with it!