Wednesday, April 3, 2013



WOW! This human experience is so AMAZING! How blessed is my life because God has chosen ME to be His daughter? Seriously! There may be a few things in my life missing that I would like to see happen, but over all OH WOW! To count the wonders in my daily life? OVERFLOW!!!!

God has made ways where I could see no way- BLESSED - God has opened the window of heaven and poured out blessing after blessing after blessing and now my cup overflows!

Even in the moments of "lack"- when things that I really think I need in life are missing- when I look back, I can see the BLESSING God was giving me during that time.

My daughter has a heart to go on a mission- she feels the tug to visit foreign countries to minister to other children, She wants to take them Jesus, food, water, clothes, and any thing else they might need that they don't have. She knows what it is to have plenty and she knows what it is to go without. She is able to relate to the needs of others because she has gone without. PRAISE GOD!

Today- as I sit in my little home, my 3 babies here with me, with plenty of food to see us through, having our basic needs met, I am SO GRATEFUL to GOD! February 14th I could never have seen that we would be here today... GOD IS GOOD! And HE BLESSES! And I am OVERWHELMED at His LOVE for me!

That LOVE is so amazing! Now, if I can just go forward and share the LOVE HE has given me with others!