Friday, August 12, 2011

Good Morning!

 Today my gratitude list is amazingly long~ from the basics of my friends, family, home, and needs met to all the wonders of nature that God gives us. But I sat here this morning thinking, my list growing and growing (I could do well over 100 things today) and I thought about all the things I don't have that I am grateful not to have in my life. Sounds wierd doesn't it? But seriously, people I know are battling some pretty aweful things in their life and they would be ever so grateful if they could be relieved of the struggle. Yet those who aren't dealing with this or that forget how easy it would be for them to be afflicted with the struggle.

So today, my gratitude list already long for all the wonders in my life is also including things like not being afflicted with chronic pain or disease, being free from addiction, not having any sever weather conditions to contend with, being free from a government that could kill because I express myself, and oh so many other things. My life is free of abuse, free of satanic influence, free of starvation... I am truly blessed in all that I do not have to contend with!