Saturday, February 5, 2011

February 5, 2011

Good Morning Dear Readers!!!!
What an amazing day the Lord has made!

I am so excited today! God has been fast at work making changes in my life.
2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us~
if anyone is in Christ,
he is a new creation;
the old has gone,
the new has come!

Todays's Gratitude List

  1. The Healing Power of God!
  2. Being a New Creation
  3. Watching my old self die and the new be born
  4. Living in The Light
  5. Knowing that through Christ ALL things are possible

Today, I know that I am no longer who I once was~ I do not live with any of the sinful things of my past. All those things that I once did are DEAD because of Christ in my life. My heart is so full of joy, knowing that shame and guilt no longer have a place in my life. I have been rescued from the pit of hell and placed in the heavenly realms because of my faith. No longer do I doubt the miracles of God working in my life. Where yesterday I felt as if God may not work in my life becuase of who I once was... today I KNOW beyond shadow of a doubt that God will do ALL that I ask in the name of His Son because I am an HEIR with Christ. Today it isn't just words~ it is TRUE knowledge of WHO I am!