Wednesday, September 29, 2010

As each day comes to us refreshed and anew,
so does my gratitude renew itself daily.
The breaking of the sun over the horizon is my grateful heart dawning upon a blessed world.
~Terri Guillemets

  1. Sunrise and Sunset and all the hours in between
  2. The awesome food we get to eat
  3. COFFEE!!!
  4. My Internet
  5. My Computer
  7. My awesome and amazing husband
  8. My babies (all of them!)
  9. My Car! (so much nicer when walking is a choice)
  10. My Life!!!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

September 27, 2010

Today my gratitude is all about the wonderful and amazing world around us~ yesterday my family and I went for a drive in the forest. We saw beautiful lakes with trout literally jumping out of the water, we saw butterflies, woodpeckers, chipmunks, trees trees and more trees~ it was all just so amazing nad awesome and magestic! God has been good to us, giving us so much beauty that we often miss. I am grateful for being able to see the weathered bit of drift wood that was on the shore of one of the lakes we went to. To see how time and water took a limb of a tree and formed it into something that looked like human hands had smoothed and polished it. But it was God's hands who did it! I am grateful for that burnt tree that looked like a little black bear standing next to the road. I am grateful for the fish we caught, that will fill our bellies tonight at dinner time. I love living in my mountains! Thank You God for making it so!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

September 23, 2010

My Gratitude List
  1. My Belief & Faith In God

  2. My Belief &Faith in Christ and His sacrifice for me and all believers

  3. My Faith in the Holy Spirit to guide me

  4. My Prayer Life

  5. My Bible (Life's Instruction Book)

  6. That through Christ I have a one on one
    relationship with my Father in Heaven

  7. That God has shown me what LOVE is
  8. That God has shown me what FORGIVENESS is
  9. That God has brought me into fellowship with others who are helping me grow my faith and I am helping them too
  10. All of Creation! 

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

September 22, 2010

Today's Gratitude List

  1. FALL! I love the leaves changing and
    HOW AMAZING is it!
  2. Cooler Mornings
  3. Indian Summer Afternoons
  4. Long Walks with my family
  5. Short Walks with my family
  6. Playing at the Park!
  7. Pork Chops for supper
  8. Having a Home!
  9. Cattails
    (serious Cattails are so awesome
    I am grateful for them
    because they make me smile)
  10. The joys of Family!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday September 19, 2010

Today's Gratitude List
Yesterday I had the opportunity to spend the entire day (14 hours) with my 3 little ones and my husband~ it was a pretty awesome day!
We started off leaving from home at 9am, the long drive to Reno was fun, singing chatting and no fights. We stopped first at the Sierra Safari Zoo, where the kids got to see the animals there, play with and feed the variety of deer that love the crowds, and have a fun time.
Then it was off to Chuckie Cheese... all three kids had a BLAST. Lots of fun and things to do together and seperately... truly a good time even if we did have to eat cardbord with melted cheese on it for lunch.
After Chuckies it was SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL~ so Katie and I had a blast with that... the otehrs... well they just sort of tagged along and didn't complain too much. We found some great bargains on some terrific outfits for everyone. Including getting an awesome birthday present for one of the olders.
After all the shopping we went and had dinner... mmmmm... a vote was done and it was decided that The Atlantis Tucan Charlies Saturday night, Steak & Seafood buffet would be the choice. We all left so stuffed we were waddling. Good stuff for sure.
Finally on our way out of town, we grabbed some groceries and then home, to plop down exhausted! But all of us feeling like we really had a good day together as a family.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Septemner 17, 2010

Today's Gratitude List
Friday September 17, 2010
  1. Sitting, watching the trees change from vibrant greens
    to beautiful yellow, gold, and orange
  2. Brisk Autumn Mornings
  3. Warm Autumn Afternoons
  4. Owning a Car~
    so nice to drive where you want to go
  5. Affording the Insurance~
    I can remember a time where
    there just wasn't enough nmoney
    to take care of the insurance for
    the car so this is awesome
  6. My husband has a day or two worth of work!
  7. Getting to take a trip out of town
  8. Clean Kitchen that i didn't have to clean
  9. Deer in the yard having breakfast
  10. Watching the squirells play in the trees

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Gratitude List for September 15, 2010

SO today I am not making a list~ but I want to share with you just how grateful I am that God created me to have free will, that I am given the ability and all the tools needed to make the choices in my life. Then God placed me in the USA. A place where I continue to have free-will as a legal right.

Yeah there are laws and rules that give me direction and hey, I don't have to listen to the law or rules if I don't mind paying the consequences because I have this free will thing going on in my life.

Seriously, next time you have a chance, really think about how great this life is that we have, that we are able to make our own choices about our words, actions, etc and not subject to the puppet control of another....

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

September 14, 2010

Today's Gratitude List
  1. My son's facination with balls~
    it brings a smile to my face,
    when I watch his joy at being able to play with a ball.
    To hear his squeel of delight when someone throws him a ball.
    To hear him, as you are channel surfing see a ball game on
    and he yells to go back to the ball game (football, soccer or baseball!)
  2. Living in a world where my children all have the chance to be WHO ever and WHATEVER they want to be.
    However I have had to explain to my daughter that although
    she COULD be a fat British man
    that it would take a great deal of work and money
    and that I really think she could do something more with her life.
    (see story at bottom of page)
  3. Precious moments with all my kids.
  4. Precious moments with friends and other family
  5. New Friends and Old Friends
  6. Youth Group at our Home Church
  7. COFFEE~ without which I would still be asleep
  8. The aroma of fresh baked bread
  9. Sunrises that paint the sky in beautiful detail
  10. Soft breezes in the tress

Story from above:

One day my daughter is in a counselors office. Counselor very seriously asks her what she wants to be when she grows up. She replies "A Fat British Man" the counselor told her it was impossible. Very indignant, she stands up, tells him he is wrong, because her Mommy and Daddy told her she could be anything in the world that she wanted to be. Just a note on how literal our children can take our comments.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

September 12, 2010

Today's Gratitude List
  1. I am grateful for a healthy immune system
    that seems to protect me from a lot of the germs
    flying around my home
  2. I am grateful for good HOT Coffee in the morning
  3. I am grateful for my amazing husband
    who will run the errands I need ran without grumping at me
  4. Having good food to eat
  5. I am grateful for my computer!
    So many of my friends live in it!
  6. I am grateful for sunshine
  7. I am grateful for rain
    (which by the way, we need a little of a
    round here the river is so low)
  8. My cell phone!
    I am able to keep in touch with my friends and family
    no matter where I am because of it
  9. I am also grateful for the wonderful support system I have available to me!
  10. I am grateful for finally finding a home church that fullfills

Friday, September 10, 2010

September 10, 2010

Today's Gratitude List

Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness,

and for his wonderful works to the children of men!

Psalms 107.15

  1. The Awesome Medical Care System we have in the US

  2. Hot Coffee on a hard to get moving morning

  3. A bed with warm blankets to sleep in at night

  4. Awesome friends!

  5. A husband who washes dishes

  6. The Lord watching over my family

My list is long, but I wanted to take and explain just how grateful I am to live in the time and place that I live. Although life is not always perfect and there are many things that could be changed in my little corner of the world I feel ever so blessed by God to be living here and now. To have access to medical care when my child is sick in the middle of the night, to be able to drive to the hospital in a matter of minutes, to be seen by a competant doctor. I feel blessed to live where there is electricity and running water and all those

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thursday September 9, 2010

Today's Gratitude List
Thursday September 9, 2010
  1. Cloudy skies~
  2. Fall is HERE!
  3. Cell Phones
  4. Elizabeth~ she is such a joy
  5. Katie~ she is so full of life
  6. Joshua~ his humor is awesome!
  7. Eugene~ what a character
  8. Allen~ his infectious laugh
  9. My husband~ he is awesome (even if he denies it)
  10. Trust/Faith in God

Saturday, September 4, 2010

September 4, 2010

Friday, September 3, 2010

Count your blessings.
Once you realize how valuable you are and how much you have going for you,
the smiles will return, the sun will break out, the music will play,
and you will finally be able to move forward
to the life that God intended for you with
grace, strength, courage, and confidence.
Og Mandino
Counting Blessings, my gratitude list, the things that make me smile... all of these things make life so much more enjoyable.

And now, dear brothers and sisters,
one final thing.
Fix your thoughts on what is true,
and honorable,
and right, and pure,
and lovely, and admirable.
Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.
Philippians 4:8

Thursday, September 2, 2010

September 2, 2010

Today's Gratitude List
  1. Long Hot Showers!
  2. Smell scrumptious body soaps
  3. Fab hair day
  4. Make up that makes you feel BEAUTIFUL
  5. Music!
  7. Being able to pray for others!
  8. Living life OUTLOUD
  9. Raindrops and puddle jumping and rainbows and thunderstorms!
  10. LIFE! Life is so amazing and so wonderful and just BEAUTIFUL!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September 1, 2010

September 1, 2010
Today's Gratitude List
  1. Deer that lay under the shade of trees
  2. Squirrels that sit on a branch watching us play
  3. Cattails on the river bank
  4. Apples on an apple tree
  5. Blackberries getting plump and ripe
  6. Long walks with my babies
  7. Summer days fading into Autumn
  8. Youngest learning how to slide all by himself
  9. My Family
  10. My relationship with God!