Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Praise The Lord!


Today I am gratituful for so many things in my life! It is truly a day of praise and worship to my Father who created me! I continue to be amazed at the LOVE God shares with me inspite of my faults. It just touches my heart in a way that is healing and teaching me to be more of what God wants me to be.

God's healing hand has been reaching out to me and healing areas of my life step by step and I can feel HIM working in my life, changing me, molding me, filling me with HIM and teaching me to walk in His light only. Grateful for the Healing Hand of God!

I live in a place where I can openly WORSHIP my GOD~ is that not amazing? I live in a place where, although I turned my back on GOD, because of where I live, He was able to keep working on me and working on me to turn me around to face Him and become the person HE wants me to be. Grateful to be a citizen of the United States!

One day in 1999 I found myself homeless~ I never knew at that time how God was going to use this experience. This was the first time He taught me Humility and how to ask for help. There with four children living in a motorhome... He brought me to the doors of Crossroads Ministries. Crossroads has continued to be a part of my life through the years.

Today I am Grateful for Crossroads for the lessons I have learned in humility, not being judgemental, taking account of prideful thoughts and envy, and for the most wonderful bestie a girl could have :) Crossroads is a BLESSING that goes beyond the services they provide to the homeless and low income.

I also want to PRAISE God for the people He has brought into my life! Some of them have harmed me, some of them have blessed me, all of them have taught me. My life would not be the same if even one of these people had not been in my life. I am Grateful that God is in control of who is in my life each day!

I am GRATEFUL for the Blood of Jesus that has washed away my sins and allowed me to have a personal relationship with my Father in Heaven. Praise God that while I was still a sinner He sent His Son to be the sacrafice for my sin. I am Grateful that Jesus has promised that if I ask anything in His name He will do it to GLORIFY Our Father!

Today I am Grateful for the sunrise, sunset, noon day sun, clouds, storms, rain and snow, barren land and meadows in bloom, birds that sing and dogs that bark, cows that give milk and chickens that give eggs, and all the things that God has set under the sun for me to have life! I am grateful for my husband, my children, my friends, my enemies, people of relationships past, people of relationships future... Yes I PRAISE the LORD for all that I have in this life and for those things I do not have that bring Glory to the Father!