Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Gratitude List While offline

Todays Gratitude List
July 19, 2010
1. Chocolate Milk (YUMMmmm)
2. My awesome husband who loves me
3. Knowing that even if I can't help people in the way I want, I still can be a help to them in other ways
4. My best friend Jenn, who is there all the time for me
5. The Word of God, and all it teaches me and fills me with the love and knowledge of my Father in Heaven


Today's Gratitude List
July 20, 2010
1. The lessons I am learning during this time of financial uncertainty
2. Beans with Ham (funny that such a "cheap" meal would be so enjoyed!)
3. Knowledge that although we may not have all we want, all that we need is being taken care of by our Father in Heaven who provides EVERYTHING
4. Ice Pops on a hot summer afternoon
5. Long walks in the cool evening
Today's Gratitude List
July 21, 2010
1. My Trust in the Lord that He will make all things right for those who trust in Him
2. My Prayer Life as it gets more intimate and more on the level of God and I being Parent and adult child who communicate and are more than friends
3. My freedom~ how blessed are we who can go where we want to go, when we want to go
4. My friend Mary~ she is a rock and is teaching me that even inside the hard shell of a rock, the Love of God and being His creation is there
5. Cool air on hot summer dayz
Today's Gratitude List
July 22, 2010
1. My Faith! Today has been emotiona, yet I stand firm on the belief that my God is taking care of me and directing my steps
2. My Friends~ who even in the midst of their own problems take a minute to listen to me and whatever is on my heart
3. Knowledge that no situation last forever and that I can survive this storm one day at a time
4. Hope for my future! I am so grateful that the Lord has assured me that He is in control and that He has given me a hope and a future that will be glorifying to him
5. Hot Coffee for frazzled nerves

Today's Gratitude List
July 24, 2010
I woke up this morning and had just started my prayers when out of the corner of my eye I caught a flutter~ A butterfly was outside my window fluttering in the sunbeams.
God was talking to me while I prayed to Him
Today's Gratitude List is a little difficult to make, things are not perfect in my little corner of the world. But the bottom line is~ I know God is control and He is going to take care of me.
I sat here, looking at this page and suddenly like a RUSH of FLOOD waters it came to me~ that feeling of gratitude.
I am thankful that I had eyes that could see that butterfly, I am grateful I have arms to wrap around my children, I am grateful my heart knows to ache when someone else is hurting. Just taking amoment to really get into it and think about it~
My gratitude list could go on for days and days.
Life itself is to grateful for
Today's Gratitude List
July 25, 2010
1. My two best friends~ they have been an anchor during this storm
2. K-Love radio station
3. Cool soft green grass that I can run barefoot on
4. Being able to dance to the Lord
5. Living in the US~ was talking to someone yesterday about China, how blessed am I that I can praise and worship God where ever I want and do not need to keep it hidden to stay alive.
Today's Gratitude List
July 26, 2010
1. Getting to see people I love and haven't seen in a while
2. Knowing that I will survive this situation
3. All the dirty dishes I need to wash~ we have plenty of food :)
4. My amazing kids~ say what you want about them they are AWESOME! and I love them.
5. Learning to stop drinking coffee~ this is going to be a healthy change
Todays Gratitude List
July 27, 2010
1. Restoration of my marriage
2. My awesome husband
3. Fresh Brewed Hot Coffee
4. Answered Prayers
5. My amazing friends who have been with me through all this