Friday, October 21, 2011


Good Morning Dear Readers!!!!

What a beautiful day it is!!! This morning I realized just how amazing it is that we live in this time, in this place, where we are able to praise our Lord without fear. Others before us, others in other places, and perhaps even those here in this place that come later, they worship in secret to preserve their lives. When they share their faith, they risk their own lives. It is one of the things I am ever so grateful for. Because for several years I was wishy washy in my faith and had I not had that freedom to praise, I would have failed to be saved. But because of God's Grace, He brought me into this world in a time and place where I could become the fullest He wants me to be because of the freedoms we have.

I can turn on a radio and find worship music, I can turn on the tv and find someone preaching His word, I can step out my door and share what I have in my heart from the Lord~ YES LORD I am grateful for being born when and where I was so that I could come into a personal relationship with You and go and share it with all the world!