Friday, October 28, 2011

Going Around that Mountain for 40 years....

This morning during prayer time I realized just how ungrateful I can be...
God has blessed me so very much and som eof His blessings are TRUE miracles, yet there are times, while I am receiving the blessing, I am complaining.

It made me think of the Isrealites~ there they were out in the middle of nowhere and God was providing Manna from heaven and they complained.

I had to ask the Lord for forgiveness this morning because I have complained about the Manna God has provided. I do not want to do that. I want to shout PRAISE for everything the Lord gives me. I want to be sure that WHATEVER happens in my life, God gets the Glory! How can I be in the presence of the Lord and complain one iota about anything in my life? II feel as though I have slapped my God, my Father in heaven, in the face because I complained...

So today I am going to give praise for exactly where I am in my life at this very moment. I am going to say "To God ALL the Glory for every great and perfect Gift I have been given." Without the Lord I would have nothing. He showers the blessings on my life~ today I am ever grateful for what He has done!