Friday, October 7, 2011

A little whine...

This morning I decided that I wanted to do some major housework and changing things around. As I looked around at what I wanted and needed to get done I had a moment of feeling sorry for myself. A little whine that it is a lot to get done and that I have to do it all by myself with the little ones needing attention too. Just one of those feel sorry for myself moments.


Reality came crashing in!

How blessed am I that I have a home that needs to be cleaned? How blessed am I that I have furniture that needs to be rearrainged? How blessed am I that I have too much stuff and need to give some things away? How blessed am I that we have a stack of dirty dishes already this morning, even though all were washed last night? How blessed am I that I have carpets that need vacuuming?

So instead of a little whine, I am going to give a little praise that i have all this to do today! The to do list is evidence of all the blessings in my life!!!