Monday, September 12, 2011


John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

How awesome is it to know that Jesus came to give us a full, abundant life! Today I am grateful for Jesus and what He did on Calvery and that because of His sacrafice I am given an abundant life, that all my sickness are healed by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ and that my life is blessed beyond all measure~ I have a personal relationship with God becuase of Jesus. I have the endwelling of the Holy Spirit because of Jesus Christ. I have miracles daily in my life because of Jesus Christ. Truly all that I have is from God and available to me in the full because of Jesus.

Oh yes, John Doe down the street may have a bigger house, a faster car, and more money to spend but he doesn't have it to the full! It brings with it worry and anxiety. My life is free of these, I do not have to worry about anything because I am confident that the Lord will provide all my needs and I do not need that big house, that fast car or that bank account. I have what I need for today and my abundance comes from the things of the heart, the things of love, of things I store in heaven not on earth.

God is GOOD to me!