Sunday, October 5, 2014

Today's Gratitude Thoughts-

Today's Gratitude Thoughts-
Today is my Lizzie's birthday. I had spent much of my pregnancy with her, terrified of the horrible defects the doctors had said she could have from medications I had been taking prior to knowing I was pregnant. It was a scary time. She had been breach until 2 days before she was delivered. When she got herself turned around, it caused a cord wrap that made her delivery difficult. Every day I praise God for a doctor who knew how to handle the situation and safely delivered her. He handed me a perfect baby girl with all her fingers and toes and everything where it was suppose to be and working the way it was suppose to work.

Shortly after she was born, I went through a NASTY postpartum depression. Those days are memories I don't want to even think about. Finally I came out of it, got life back together and this little girl was a light to each and every day.

Around 3 years old she asked me to take her to church. Church? We didn't "do" church. The closest we had done was Celebrate Recovery. But she wanted to go, so we did it. I often credit this little girl with getting me "Saved"... she really was the witness to me of how good God is. Her heart for God still amazes me! She was born with a knowledge of God's goodness that most people don't have any clue of.

She is such a light in a dark world. I give God Glory every day with thanksgiving in my heart that He chose me to be this child's mother! She is beautiful inside and out. Full of love and affection for the world.

I can remember her asking me to pray with her when she was just a tiny thing. How she cried at the plight of polar bears and started saving her found pennies to send to a save the polar bear fund. How she would go to the local soup kitchen and touch the hearts of a few homeless folks, people that even to today she calls "friend".

Last year, when her Daddy passed on, she amazed me again. She cried for a bit, wiped away her tears and proclaimed "It is ok! My Dad is with Jesus and he can breath again. I will miss him, but he has a great life now!"

She is an inspiration and a joy and THANK YOU GOD for my little girl!

Friday, October 3, 2014


Recently there has been a trend among "Christians" to stop saying they are blessed when asked how they are or how a situation might be. I find this so DISRESPECTFUL to GOD. Genesis 1:28(a) God Blessed Them!
The VERY first thing recorded about Man after he was created is GOD BLESSED THEM! I AM BLESSED and I will shout it from the roof tops, from the dungeons, high on the mountain tops or down in the valley of death- I AM BLESSED! From the moment the Lord stitched me together in my mothers womb I have been BLESSED.
So just know that I am never going to stop saying I am BLESSED because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am BLESSED and that it doesn't matter what my physical, financial, emotional, or other bits of life in this world might look like I AM BLESSED because GOD blessed me the moment He created my ancestors and their blessings come down to me <3 blessed="" p="" yup="">

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Lord will guide you always;
he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land
and will strengthen your frame.
You will be like a well-watered garden,
like a spring whose waters never fail.
Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins
and will raise up the age-old foundations;
you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls,
Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.

Isaiah 58:11-12

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Oh I have neglected my blog! Not intentionally but life tends to get going and we get busy and next thing you know it has been a few weeks since you posted! One of the things that I have been really working on since my last post was praying gratitude prayers. Really sitting listening to God and telling HIM all that I am Thankful for that HE has given me.

Have you ever thought of saying "Thank You God for letting me see that leaf fall to the ground" ? It came on me that even something so simple as watching a leaf fall to the ground is something to be grateful for. First that I had eyes to see it, second that in those few moments it takes it is a few moments of just quiet watching without thought of the busy life we live in the way. It also is a chance to be thoughtful about the seasons of life. So much in the falling of one little leaf and we forget to be grateful...

Breath in and cherish and be grateful for the MOMENT! Life lived from gratitude is so amazing!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Thursday, September 4, 2014

It's My Birthday!

47 years ago God brought me into this world- what an adventure it has been! I spent a lot of years separated from God and making some pretty stupid choices. But God kept me alive even among the not so great choices for a purpose- I am not exactly sure what my purpose is just yet but I can tell you that I am grateful for who I am and where I am today on my birthday!

This morning I looked back on birthdays past and a couple of them really stand out to me and are "best" birthday memories- one back in the 70's I am thinking I was either 7 or 8 and my Mom set up a great little party. She made a concoction of lime kool-aid and 7-Up and it was GOOD! I ca't tell you a single gift I got that day but I remember the kool-aid and I remember the feeling of joy that I had that day that my Mom made a real effort to make it a special day. I am sure she did the same other years but this one just stands out in my memory.

The other birthday that stands out for me was at the close of the 90's- God had brought an out of control teenager into my life. A wild child who I wanted to love and fix all her brokenness. I wasn't able to but even today, this adult child is special to me. One of my heart children. Sometimes her choices in life just break my heart and all I can do is pray for her. BUT on that birthday this girl, a young adult by then, gave birth to the prettiest baby girl for my birthday! She calls me grandma and it makes my heart swell with love and joy!

Now I am looking at this birthday and realize I am not even half way through the life I want to live. My goal is to live until I am at least 110 and I want to be taking my grandkids and great grandkids fishing and for walks in the woods and  going on grand adventures with them on that 100th birthday!

I am pretty confident that God will grant this to me and so every single day until then I am grateful that I wake up and am in good health!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Today it is back to school in our little town- I have had a child doing the "back to school" thing for 24 years and with one still not in school at the end of the journey I will have 39 "back to school" years under my belt. There have been years past when I could hardly wait to have the kids back in school but as I have gotten older I realize how precious every moment we are given with our kids really is. So as I help them get ready for the new school year, the shopping, the backpacks and lunch boxes all put together for the first day there is a longing for summer to not come to an end.

Yesterday and today I had several little moments where my kids reminded me that I have done something right in raising them. The two going back to school are self confident, independent, and eager to learn. They are ready for school to begin. Today I am grateful that I have instilled in them these things as I shed a tear or two that they are growing up oh so fast!