Friday, October 3, 2014


Recently there has been a trend among "Christians" to stop saying they are blessed when asked how they are or how a situation might be. I find this so DISRESPECTFUL to GOD. Genesis 1:28(a) God Blessed Them!
The VERY first thing recorded about Man after he was created is GOD BLESSED THEM! I AM BLESSED and I will shout it from the roof tops, from the dungeons, high on the mountain tops or down in the valley of death- I AM BLESSED! From the moment the Lord stitched me together in my mothers womb I have been BLESSED.
So just know that I am never going to stop saying I am BLESSED because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am BLESSED and that it doesn't matter what my physical, financial, emotional, or other bits of life in this world might look like I AM BLESSED because GOD blessed me the moment He created my ancestors and their blessings come down to me <3 blessed="" p="" yup="">