Sunday, May 4, 2014

Musings in the Rain

Gratitude! The Lord pours out blessings and I am overwhelmed with gratitude! It's like a warm rain storm, you can go out in it, dance, feel it on your face, jump in the puddles, splash along and just get all wet and it AWESOME!

Did you know that rain falls the way it does because of it's special raindrop shape. If it didn't have that specific shape to create friction as it falls the rain could cause tons of damage hitting the earth at much faster speeds than the 3 or 4 mph that is usually falls (although it has fallen at higher velocities that's just average)

Rain is amazing! God opens up the clouds and lets the rain fall and it waters the ground and encourages the plants to grow and WOW! Just think about all that has to happen for rain to occur and then what rain does for us mere little humans who reap crops of abundance all because of some rain... totally AMAZING!

As I sit at my desk here I am watching the birds, fluttering around the yard, in search of the worms that the rain has sent to the surface... another amazing way GOD takes care of HIS creation!

BLESSED TO OVERFLOW! All by a little spring rain!