Monday, May 5, 2014

Medical Care

Today I am especially grateful for medical insurance that covers specialists. For more than 4 years now, our family has been dealing with a little boy who just doesn't go to the bathroom right. He has struggled with this since he was an infant. I have held him as he cried because he either was constipated or had diarrhea, rushed him to the doctor on more than one occasion as the pain was excruciating for him. To finally have insurance and be able to find the cause and  hopefully a treatment so he can be relieved of this discomfort is AWESOME!

We have been able to get the kids all caught up on dental needs because of insurance and also basic medical care they needed. Having insurance in the world we are in today is truly a blessing from the Lord!

I am also grateful that my husband is working! His working is what has enabled us to afford the insurance and truly God has provided this for our family! Also the employment my husband has allows him to go with us to the doctors office and be by our son's side as we meet with the gastroenterologist! GRATEFUL!!!