Friday, July 8, 2011


So this morning I woke up with feelings of "lack"... one of my children is in some trouble, my husband is still unemployed, when my husband got to moving around he made the comment we need money, there is no coffee and no juice in the house right now... just this feeling of need instead of abundance this morning.

Yet I know, God provides all my needs. I may go without wants, but needs... it is always taken care of.

Last Sunday, our Youth Pastor delivered the sermon for the congregation. It was awesome. He talked about how fear interfered with faith. That fear is actually evidence of the absence of faith. Remember when Peter walked on water? As long as his focus was on Jesus, he was fine. As soon as he lost focus, splash...

I realized this morning, fairly quickly, that I was allowing fear to interfer with my trust and faith in God. I know that God will provide. He has never failed me yet. All I have to do is have faith, keep my focus on Him, and not allow something like fear to creep in and mess with me.

Today I am grateful for messages like BJ's last Sunday that let me keep my focus on God and off of things of this world or Satan.