Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thursday, July 5, 2012

1. Rain in due season (Lev. 26:4)
2. Fruitful land (Lev. 26:4)
3. Fruitful trees (Lev. 26:4)
4. Abundance—vintage crops (Lev. 26:5)
5. Plenty of bread to eat (Lev. 26:5)
6. Safety (Lev. 26:5)
7. Peace in the land (Lev. 26:6)
8. No fear of enemies (Lev. 26:6)
9. Evil beast will not be a threat (Lev. 26:6)
10. The sword of enemies will not be a threat (Lev. 26:6)
11. Victory over enemies (Lev. 26:7)
12. Old things will pass away and newness will replace it (Lev. 26:8)
13. Fertility (Lev. 26:9)
14. God's presence (Lev. 26:11)
15. God's favor (Lev. 26:12)

Monday, April 9, 2012

May the presence of the Lord be with you wherever you go. In this way, may people know you have found favor in the sight of the Lord. The presence of God is what distinguishes you from all the other peoples on earth. May the Lord put His words in your mouth and may He cover you with the shadow of His hand.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Awww... neglected

I feel bad~ I have so neglected my gratitude blog. I have made lists and been thankful just haven't taken the time to write <3
Life is AMAZING! And I am ever so blessed! It would take me all day and I still wouldn't be able to list all the blessings in my life! God is good to me <3